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I've decided to start archiving my posts somewhere

Category: Blogging

I recently remembered the story of PLERB, a microblogging site that I was obsessed with in my early internet days. I spent so much time on there, until I just stopped using it. I eventually found out that it was nuked, all the posts lost forever because it wasn't functional anymore. I guess that the person who made it only gave it a limited number of posts ever. With that memory implanted in my br... » Continue Reading

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Category: School, College, University

Does anyone else struggle and suffer from procrastination? I have a paper due at midnight. I sat down at two pm to give myself plenty of time to work, and now it is seven pm and no work has been done at all. Alas, this is a weekly occurrence. the only thing I've been able to find that helps is listening to supervillain-type music (either wild classical or the beach boys) and typing like I'm a mad ... » Continue Reading

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Vent App

Category: Blogging

Hello all ye refugees, hail and well met. As for me, I think my time with vent is done. I was user tiltawhirl and user jamsiedrutsie, and now I am neither. Because they device banned me. I might try to contact vent staff, but honestly what better of an ending for me? What more fitting ending to Vent, and what better death than to be shunned in its last moments?  Like a cat finding a small, dark pl... » Continue Reading

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Indentured Servitude and Signing my life away to the devil

Category: School, College, University

I am so lucky. I am so, so lucky. And yet I can't help but feel like I'm making a mistake. My high school has a program for alum going into education that allows us to take out a loan from them to pay for college under the condition that we work at the school for five years following our college graduation. I was selected for the program. This means that I won't technically be in debt, and I'll be... » Continue Reading

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Am I too Old And Crusty to Have Fun

Category: Blogging

Halloween is a holiday that is weird as someone who is a (mostly) well adjusted and normal adult who has many acquaintances who are only one of those (adults.) I have really only been trick or treating once, a long time ago, and I guess I just must not understand what I'm missing. My friends want to go out and trick or treat... but I cannot overstate how little I want to do that. I'm nearly twenty... » Continue Reading

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on people who chew loudly

Category: Blogging

Anybody else had the misfortune of having a friend who you care about a lot. They're a bestie, even. But you dread eating together for one simple reason. They cannot seem to chew at a normal volume. Every time something enters their mouth it is chewed with the same visual pleasantness as an animal chewing cud. Their maw gapes open as they loudly chew, bits of food dribbling onto their shirt. "Oh, ... » Continue Reading

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survey i stole off of someone who stole it off of someone

Category: Blogging

I'm deleting any sections that i dont have an actual answer for so this is probably not a good version to steal lol » Continue Reading

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meeting old friends

Category: Blogging

Hey all! Today there was an event at my college for high schoolers and i had a chance to hang out with some of the people i knew in high school. they were younger than me then, but somehow seem even younger now. Their lives are so small, revolving around getting through the year and trying to please their parents. It was hard for me to imagine going back to that lifestyle, it was almost alien to m... » Continue Reading

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Gettin shit DONE

Category: Blogging

Hello ALL! Today I had a tasty little personal pan pizza, cheese bc i am NOT paying extra for toppings. I also had a slightly watered down cappuccino, which is how I prefer them bc I get more drink and it cools it and makes it less teeth breakingly rich and sweet. I also had a milky way but I'm afraid I didn't savor it enough :( I thought my class was thirty minutes sooner than it was and ate my m... » Continue Reading

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First Week Mishaps @-@

Category: School, College, University

First week of classes and already my eye is twitching LOL.  My advisor somehow double scheduled me and I JUST managed to get that fixed TODAY which means I've already missed two days of class in the one I got swapped into.  My car is wobbling when it drives so I had to call lyke. SIX different tire stores to get quotes on an alignment and ended up scheduling an appointment for saturday, so at leas... » Continue Reading

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Class tomorrow!!

Category: School, College, University

First day of classes tomorrow! I'm sooo not ready for summer to end. It's weird to think that I'm about to start my second year of college. I also need to call two different mechanics and get quotes to get my wheels aligned. Ugh. @_@ at least since I'm back on campus I'll be able to get my favorite drink from the cafe again » Continue Reading

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Back to school

Category: Blogging

I'M SOOO TIRED UGH.  I moved back into the dorms today and then promptly took a nap on the shitty dorm beds. Ahh so sleepy. It's also 50 cent corndog day and I enjoyed some cornydawgies and a coke, super refreshing after moving boxes all day. Most of my roomies won't get here until sunday, so its just me and roomie1 eating corndogs and watc » Continue Reading

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