Jon 🐇

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"Spacehey's Unofficial Grandpa"

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Medical Mystery for Ya to Solve.

Category: Life

So. For the last year I've been having issues with my body. I've talked to my regular doctor, had an endoscopy done, even had a pysch consult to see if it was all in my head (it's not). It's not terrible or life threatening (I hope), but damn, after a year I'd love to know what's going on. I'm a white male in my 60's, mostly good health otherwise. I smoke cannabis daily, averaging 1.5 grams a day.... » Continue Reading

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The 420 Report for February; Jungle Cake!

Category: Life

Happy 2024, fellow stoners, hope your February is going well. Now, on to the strain! This month we have... Jungle Cake ! :D It's a hybrid cross between White Fire #43 and Wedding Cake. According to, Jungle Cake is "a potent and balanced strain that offers a smooth and relaxing high." First look; lots of mid-sized buds. Great colors in this strain, reds, oranges and purples, very pretty.... » Continue Reading

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The 420 Report for January 2024, Mod Runtz

Category: Life

So, 2024, eh? We'll see how you do before celebrating I think... Anyway! New month, new strain, and today it's something called Mod Runtz. Huh.  :| Runtz is a hybrid strain, and as is sometimes the case with my plug, she has a variety that's not showing up on my searches. The buds are big and tight, really tight. Great colors in this strain, lots of purple and oranges. The smell is terrific, like ... » Continue Reading

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Firing it Up : /

Category: Life

::: Copy of a Bulletin Posted @ 7:30am Today::: *sigh*  Here we go, last bowl of 2023.  *spark* So while I'm in my right mind, I was wondering if I should do a Look Back edition of the 420 Report? See which were the highest highs? X)   Maybe not. We'll see. *spark*   (coughcoughcough) I do have one or two Cannabis Goals for 2024!  :D I want to drive up to our so-far-only legal dispensary and check... » Continue Reading

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Last Grind of 2023 :P

Category: Life

Well, I just ground up the last few buds of this year's last bag.  :( I've been having some health issues, so I told my doc I'd go dry for a few days instead of re-upping like usual, just to see what happens with my symptoms. I'm not looking forward to it but it's a worthwhile line of inquiry so I guess I will. (Plus I'll save a lil $.) I think I have about a day and a half's worth. Gonna try to h... » Continue Reading

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Think I'm done w/the Cannabutter :/

Category: Life

I took some again last night, tried to get the same amount as I did the first time. Well I slept a small amount better but the headaches I'm getting aren't worth it. And I'd be stopping anyway to make sure the headaches stop too, gotta be careful these days w/my health.  :P It was worth a shot though.  :/ » Continue Reading

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The 420 Report: Apple Dip

Category: Life

 As happens with me sometimes I ran out of my main stash before the month's end. So to hold me over my plug has provided me with something called Apple Dip. I took a peek over at Leafly and didn't find an exact match, nor in a general web search, so it may be a new strain! (Or my plug might have been high when she texted me lol). There are a lot of apple strains out there, another wouldn't surpris... » Continue Reading

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Better :)

Category: Life

Even though I still am not sleeping the best, right now I'm feeling pretty good.  :) Did cleaning today, and I tackled some stuff I'd been putting off. Deep cleaning the shower. Cleaning my bedroom. Scrubbing the kitchen floor. Washing windows. It feels nice, that sense of accomplishment, and the clean smell. Hopefully the sense of righteousness lasts all day and into the night. (I'm a little more... » Continue Reading

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Mad At Myself :(

Category: Life

So in April, I was prescribed a drug to help with my stomach. One of the things I liked about it was that it worked. Another was that it seemed to help me fall asleep really fast. I've always had trouble falling asleep quickly, a lot of tossing and turning first. :P But. I've been having other health issues too. Jumpy legs, blurry vision, some other stuff. Well today I finally looked up this drug ... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 4 Kudos

The 420 Report for November, Waffle Cone!

Category: Life

Yes, it's time again for another 420 Report, this moth brought to you by Waffle Cone! The buds are average in size, fairly tight and very sparkly.They have a spicy citrus smell, very nice. Let's show you one here: Pretty! :O According to Leafly, Waffle Cone is a hybrid, made by crossing Jet Fuel Gelato with Dosilato. So! Been waiting all morning for this; let's fir » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

I'm in a lot of pain these days. Not complaining, just a fact. (Okay, complaining too) See, when they replaced my hip joints they cut through some major nerve trunks. So I have neuropathy, or "phantom pain" from the waist down, basically. Mostly in my feet. The bottom of my right foot is the worst. It can make me jump with a sudden increase in pain, a lil' jolt as it were. Sometimes it feels like ... » Continue Reading

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Humble Brag :)

Category: Life

No one reads these things anyway, so why not? SO. For years I've been a Patreon supporter of my fave web comic, Questionable Content . At the lowest level, $5 a month, but still. One of the perks I get is seeing the comic 24hrs early and commenting on it if I want. WELL. After all these years, I finally , at last, got the first comment, just as the day's comic posted! Squeeeeeeeeeee » Continue Reading

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