we'll never be more than friends. that's the hard truth. I never wanted to face it. but I'm gonna have to face it eventually. we'll never be anything together. only friends. and that's the truth. I'm not even going to lie. I want to be more than friends. but that'll never become a reality. » Continue Reading
I crave your love. I need you. not in a weird way. I actually love you. I feel so empty when I dont think about you. without you, I would be nothing. » Continue Reading
My hatred for the world is increasing. I swear to god I wanna scream in Trump’s ear!!! WE ARE NOT DANGEROUS ALIENS!! YOU ARE THE DANGER! YOU ARE THE IDIOT!! I AM GONNA USE FREEDOM OF SPEECH VERYYY WELL. » Continue Reading
I wanna hug you. I wanna tell you how much I love you and care about you. I wanna hold hands. I wanna laugh with you. I wanna be by your side. I wanna be there for you. I just want you. » Continue Reading
I've never loved anybody like this. I actually have real feelings towards you. but im too scared to admit it. I love you a lot. like way more than I should. anytime someone mentions you, I get extremely happy. but I don't show it. my love for you tops anything I've ever felt. » Continue Reading
don't kill yourself. you matter more than you think. don't cut yourself. your body is beautiful the way it is. you are way more important than you think. maybe you helped someone while they were struggling and didn't even know. you are important in someone's life. don't feel lonely. if nobody will love you, I will. you are special. » Continue Reading
god, you infest my brain. I dont wanna keep thinking about you. you mean a lot to me, but it's like an addiction. an addiction that never stops and will never stop. I can't keep going like this. I wanna confess. but that'll ruin everything between us. » Continue Reading
i thought you were better than that. i can't believe i actually believed you. i thought you weren't like the rest, but you're exactly like them. i don't know why i'm surprised. it's exactly what i expected. » Continue Reading
I always think about you. At this point, my mind is named after you. I miss you really bad. I wish you never moved schools. I wanna see your face again. God, I hate it, but, I also don't. It's kinda like... mixed feelings. y'know? » Continue Reading
“Lie to my face,” is something I’ve never said, but you always do it. Seeing you happy makes me happy… well, maybe sometimes. I love you so much, but you’ll never know that. My love for you is causing me extreme pain. » Continue Reading