Heres a gift I made for my friend pickel!! These two are her ocs, I honestly forgot their names but I think these girlies are so cute together ૧(ꂹີωꂹີૂ) These two were a lot of fun to draw and I'm really happy with how it tuned out! I hope she did as well!! » Continue Reading
Here's a quick drawing (I know it looks like a lot but I genuinely just traced the picture so it ended up being pretty quick) of Pepper, my sister's, cat until I finish and can post my current projects :3 body { background-image: url(""); » Continue Reading
Meet Dot the rat, She's a plushie clown and I love her!!! I don't really have any info on her yet besides the fact she's 24, on the shorter side and maybe a lesbian, i haven't completely decided yet lol I'll probably update this blog the more info i make for her or ill just update you guys on her info every time i make a new blog and drawing about her! Lemme know what you guys would think was bes... » Continue Reading
Puppy girl angsty info!! My girl struggles mentally with things such as depression and anxiety, this causes her to struggle with taking care of herself quite often, be it with eating, hygiene, sleeping, etc.. No its not gross, no its not her being lazy, no she doesn't enjoy it or choose to be like this Sometimes its difficult to take care of yourself... the simplest things seem so draining and so ... » Continue Reading
TW: CONTAINS UNSETTLING IMAGERY Here's a little drawing I made of my character (the puppy girl) and my partners character (the cat guy/creepy dude behind the fridge door) » Continue Reading