So, I have struggled with my identity for awhile. And when I say awhile I mean my entire life. I learned that autism can affect gender a few months ago and I was just like *w o a h* I know now that I have gender issues because I am neurodivergent. My brain takes gender in a different way just like everything else. I have NEVER in my ENTIRE life felt like a full girl! Never! And I didn't know why,... » Continue Reading
So, I am sick. Very sick. And when I'm sick my senses are bumped up to 1,000%. Here is my major coping skill and why it helps me. So my major coping skill for when I'm sick is sitting at the bottom of my shower with the hot water running. This calms my senses and I can actually relax! » Continue Reading
So. I use Identity First Language because Person First Language is dumb. IFL:"I am autistic" PFL: "I am a person with autism" PFL makes it sound like you are CARRYING autism around. Autism is a part of you! Be proud of it. » Continue Reading
Trigger Warning: Abelism So I did another blog like this where I pick my "fav"(its actually the ones I hate the most) autistic 'awareness' t shirts. Here we go! 1. "So there is this boy..." 2. "Someone WITH autism" 3. "See the ABLE not the LABLE!" » Continue Reading
So I support self diganoseing!!! However. Self Diganoseing IS NOT (I repeat) IS NOT taking a test online. Self Diganoseing is doing research! And don't self diganoise for attention. » Continue Reading
So here is how I describe my romantic attractions. So women! I love women! I am romantically attracted to women. Women are beautiful! I am only romantically attracted to men when they are feminine. I also like nonbinary people. What would you call thisss? » Continue Reading
Spoiler Alert Okay okay okay, we are talking about Jeromey Boi. YUP. The textbook definition of mommy issues. Yup here we go. Jerome is so fucking chaotic and fun. He is obviously neurodivergent I'm not gonna get into that. And he seems to just slip deeper into madness throughout the show. I love him. I feel like he is like very much feminist. Him and Firefly were like besties. Also he i » Continue Reading
i absolutely HATE "autism moms" "oH pOoR mE mY cHilD iS aUtIsTiC!!! fEeL bAd fOr mE wHiLe I wRiTe mY bLoG!" That's "Autism Mom" A. she really thinks her life is over because her kid is autistic. She also thinks she is a martyr for raising said child. She also would post a video of her child having a meltdown and villianise her child. "MY CHILD HAS AUTISM AND THAT'S THEIR SUPERPOWER!! I AM SO PRO... » Continue Reading
(I am writing this because I haven't met a person on here who says it, but that doesn't mean I won't. If you say the R slur and are thinking about friending me please read this.) Hello, I am Ace and I am neurodivergent just like you. Um I wanna talk about the R slur. You know the one. I am not gonna sit here and say you can't reclaim it. But I am saying please be careful and not use it when talk... » Continue Reading
Hello fun people! I am Ace. We know this. And if you didn't know I am neurodivergent so I stim. Yasss stimming is the best. So I'm gonna talk about my stims and I encourage you to talk about yours if you want! 1. (This is today new) Saying "Guuurl!" It's from True Crime Obsessed and Patrick is literally me. 2. Raptor arms 3. Making weird noises. 4. "Dude stop you're making my » Continue Reading
I thought it would be fun to react to autism 'awareness' shirts. Lol this should be fun. Here is the list of my "favs"/joking 1. "Light It Up Blue" 2. "AUTISM IS MY SUPERPOWER" 3."Rockin to a Different tune" 4. "Autism Mom" » Continue Reading
I noticed something. After I experienced something that triggered me, I stopped being nice. Usually I am this sWeeT LiTtLe gIrL who wouldn't wanna hurt anyone. Now, I actually started thinking bad things about people. And when I have the urge to slip into little space I cuss out my little side until I don't feel the urge anymore. And to be honest I never liked Catra from She-Ra until I experience... » Continue Reading