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Category: Religion and Philosophy

♰ ︲Lucifer

NOTE: I will be mainly talking about my experience with the entity known as Lucifer and my relationship with them. I am not here to convince you and I don't want to be converted or anything. I am not in danger far from it. I will not be arguing with others.  If you are uncomfortable reading this, you can close this blog and block if you'd like.

Meeting Lord Lucifer

This blog is truly dedicated to Lord Lucifer as I continue my quest for knowledge beyond mundane. I am a theistic Luciferian. It is my own PERSONAL experience with him. As in I believe him to be an actual entity or energy. I am on the left-hand path and want to improve myself and seek knowledge. I will explain how I got into working with Lord Lucifer as I didn't even think I would be but honestly, it's been extremely transformative and liberating. It's by far the most beautiful spiritual experience I have had. 

I first received a sign when I was going through this phase after high school. I had been kicked out of a dance company where us dancers were abused. (I won't go into further detail as this is not what the blog is about also, I don't wish to trigger anyone who is reading this.) I was sent strange dreams for months with the overwhelming feeling of a big change coming. Before this I was completely solitary in my craft and did not work with any gods or goddesses as it was my intention to not work with any at the time. That was until I was at a practice (at a new dance company mind you,) On my walk there, I noticed a single feather on the ground. I picked it up and knew it was a sign. I went home and asked my tarot cards if it was a sign and from there I was prompted to meditate. I joined groups about occultism online and that's where I learned more about those who worked with gods, goddesses and spirits. I had asked around about what the possible meanings of this sign could be as my tarot wouldn't give me a straight answer. That was until a girl invited me to join her Demonolatry group. After that I unlearned all that Christian indoctrination and kept an open mind. I thought I had known everything and anything about spiritualism, but I was a dumb 17-year-old, so it was interesting to see I still had so much more to learn and study. That was until I learned more about Lucifer and his extensive origins. I had many dreams about seeing a serpent or several, seeing cats and crows. I knew I was getting closer to figuring things out.

I was recommended to do a meditation to meet him, this mediation for those who are just starting their work with Lord Lucifer and would like a simple way of connecting with him. With that I was able to meet him, and it was almost as if everything clicked. I remember being so full of emotion when he first appeared to me. He is the most beautiful entity I have ever come across. He is ethereal and golden. He is glowing. He wore a black gown with pointed shoulders and very long sleeves. He reassured me and told me he was the one to have sent me the signs he didn't want to reveal who he was right away as my mind was still close-minded to the idea of working with him. After connecting with him I delved in deeper reading more about him and his origins. I read about his Greek and Roman origins. Learned about his different titles and the names. From here I set up an alter for him and began my work with him. Some of which I cannot disclose here but I will mention the things I can disclose.

I learned more meditation techniques and even got to astral travel but that was more so accidental at first. If you want to read more about astral projection/travel you can read my blog about it here. Lord Lucifer, he makes you look deep within yourself. The work is not easy, and you will do it either way. If you allow him to, he will challenge you and this will rapidly make you improve. You will cry and maybe not always have a good time but it's worth it in the end as you know change cannot come about unless one wants to. Things will start happening in your life with many changes, but it is all necessary in this transformation. It true that you must descend in order to ascend. I went through some of the toughest trials such as my mental health declining, family problems and many more challenging things happening in my life. I was able to overcome it knowing I would come back with more experience and wisdom. Lord Lucifer was patient and always understanding. I went through these lessons in my life for a reason. I have learned to distinguish who has good intentions and who doesn't. I learned that being alone for a bit was better than being in bad company.

Even my appearance drastically changed. I felt more confident and assured of myself and came to many realizations. I went through many trials, and it all taught me that nothing is permanent, and all bad things will eventually come to an end. The wheel will spin again in your favor. You just have to be patient. I learned to better protect myself. I realized that many people in my life were not very kind to me and would frequently use me. I learned to say NO. I have learned so much throughout the years that i cannot mention it all here. I would meet with Lord Lucifer through meditations or dreams. Even now I feel him observing. Lord Lucifer's energy is transformative, healing and liberating. With his help I was able to break the chains of my own depression and my own self-perceptions. I have also learned not everyone deserves to have access to you. The connection I have with Lord Lucifer is like a mentor type of relationship. I just wish people would see its more than just setting up an alter and doing spells. There's so much introspection that is done when you do work with him. You can dedicate actions or things to lord lucifer. The altar is not the end all be all. It's more about the exchange of energy. You don't need to go out and buy things. Of course, you could but making art or dedicating your pursuit in knowledge to him is more personal. Doing things such as. I just wish there wasn't so much emphasis on purchasing things. When keeping things clean and frequently spiritually cleansing your space is something that could also be dedicated to him. 

I would also like to mention that there were times that I wasn't actively practicing or had the time to as I was going through other things at the time. Your journey may not be linear and it's alright we are bound to make mistakes. Lord Lucifer will be patient with us. Sometimes it's hard to be consistent but as long as that desire is still there, you're in the right place. There may even be times where you have doubts, but he doesn't punish you for that. We are human. We overthink, we fail, and we have doubts. In fact, he encourages you to be skeptical.  Sometimes I even think Lord Lucifer may possibly be part of our minds and that's fine as well as we are able to transform ourselves for the better. Even if he is just a part of my mind or another aspect of it that's fine as I was still able to achieve my goals and honor that part of myself. I could honestly understand a more non-theistic belief in him, but he just seems so different from myself that I believe him to be another entity. Either way I am grateful that I was able to make this far and be able to write this blog for you all!

I recommend reading more about Lucifer. As they explain much better than I possibly could. 

Gnostic Luciferianism - Fabian Dee's Blog | SpaceHey

Lucifer: religious symbolism - Fabian Dee's Blog | SpaceHey

Lucifer – Fallen Angel and Prince of the Forsaken, Forgotten and Forlorn – Demon Encyclopedia (demonsanddemonolatry.com)
(I don't follow everything that the Satan and sons say about Lord Lucifer and don't agree with everything, but I think it's an interesting perspective.)

The Sigil of Lucifer (ancient-symbols.com)

Demonic Enns | Satan's Den (wordpress.com)

gv.PDF (nekropolis.dk)
(This is the Grimorium Verum. Flipping to the 5th page you can find his sigils. I do not follow this book and do not fully believe what is says but it is an interesting read.)

Everything About Lucifer in Ancient Mythology – The American Minervan (theamericanminvra.com)

Lucifer | Fallen Angel, Morning Star, Lightbringer | Britannica

Satan vs. Lucifer – What’s the Difference? - Symbol Sage

The Unexpected Origins Of Lucifer's Name - Planet Venus (chasinggods.com)

is it possible for entities to seek you out with yourself seeking them??? : r/DemonolatryPractices (reddit.com)
(This whole subreddit has many interesting takes. Read the replies as many include them speaking about the origins of Lucifer.)

Offerings and honoring him.

Offerings: Gold or any gold-colored things, carnelian or any red colored crystals or stones, clear quartz, smoky quarts, obsidian or any black colored crystals or stones, Black candles, red candles, white candles, red fruit, baked gods, tea (in my experience rose tea.), liquor specifically red wine, red or black roses sometimes white, myrrh incense, dragons blood incense, sandalwood incense, patchouli incense, copal incense, rose water, art work of him or anything self-made. 

Honoring him: Anything involving the pursuit of knowledge (As he represents knowledge and wisdom.) meditating, cleansing of yourself or your space, involving him in your spell work or divination, self-love workings, dancing, singing, reading or writing poetry, dedicating a prayer to him, fighting for the rights of yourself or others, asking questions and being skeptical, use of his Enn, (I will put some links of the Enns I use and what an Enn is.) Also, shadow work! I cannot stress that enough. Introspection.

Here is a link of the Enn chants I use as well as what an Enn is. I don't like the ones with the deep voice it's just unnecessary so here I included one with an androgynous sounding voice and a feminine voice:

Lucifer Enn Chanting [1 Hour] (youtube.com)

Lucifer · Enn Meditation Chant (Feminine Version) [Also Prometheus, Luxferro, Sol Invictus] (1 Hour) (youtube.com)

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Harveyyy 🐾𖤐

Harveyyy 🐾𖤐's profile picture

I'm a satanic pagan and this was so cool to read! I don't work with deities just yet but I would love to in the future

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Zren's profile picture

This sounds like a good, empowering path for you. It is rare to see a theistic Luciferian so really interesting to see your perspective and sources.

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