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pics of me in case anyone is curious
Category: Life
unemofied me cuz i go to catholic school in ALBERTA (🤮🤮🤮) » Continue Reading
"youtube binging"
coolest person ever™️
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Category: Life
unemofied me cuz i go to catholic school in ALBERTA (🤮🤮🤮) » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
name: ray nickname: ray is too short but my friends call my rayray and wayway sometimes :3 age: 15 zodiac: virgo current location: smushed under ur converse (or vans wtv u perfer) eye colour: i got like 4. it's a mix of blue, grey, green, and hazel hair colour: currently dark dark blue hair type: whatever fried is height: 5'1.5 (don't even start.) middle name: tess, after my grandmother ! shoes i ... » Continue Reading
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Category: Music
i don’t care - fall out boy 27 - fall out boy nobody puts baby in the corner - fall out boy saturday - fall out boy nearly witches - panic! at the disco she had the world - panic! at the disco sarah smiles - panic! at the disco crazy = genius - panic! at the disco camisado - panic! at the disco indigo - sam barber & avery anna you’re gonna go far kid - noah kahan tears over beers - modern baseball... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
today was tiring. i accidently got to school at like 7:50 am and it was so early and i hated it. got to hand with my boyfriend though. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. still crazy. he's so sweet. we're going to the mall on valentine's day. i'm excited. also i found out he made a playlist about me and it's like 90% fall out boy. he makes me want to actually go to school. it's weird. it's nice. i baked cookies f... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. it happened at lunch time and my friend guilia wingmanned us and i yelled at him and called him a pussy » Continue Reading
Category: Life
got the title from hold me like a grudge by fall out boy. i adore fall out boy. if you couldn’t tell by my pfp and layout and instagram and tiktok and personality. i didn’t eat until like 6:00 pm today and i was really hungry but i was at my dad’s house and i was too scared to get food cuz like its not my house yk. like it’s my dad’s house, it’s not my home. i was just a guest. so i just starved. ... » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
i don’t want to hear your voice and your probably don’t want to hear mine either that’s why i don’t sing my own songs because i know you’re listening and you know i’m writing about you » Continue Reading
Category: Life
i took a buzzfeed quiz that this morning that guessed my emo celebrity crush. i got patrick stump. it was correct. there was a question in it that went along the lines of “describe yourself in one word” and one of the answers was blatherskite . blatherskite - noun a person who talks at great length without making much sense. if that doesn’t describe me then i don’t kn » Continue Reading
Category: Life
aita for making my friends think i killed myself i (15f) texted my 2 best friends (both 15f) in our group chat “i love you guys” and put my phone on airplane mode so they would think im committing suicide i thought it would be funny to phrase that as a reddit post, forgive me but now i’m really starting to think i’m like psychotic or something do people do that? surely not. they’ve been distant fo... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
i did absolutely nothing today except for watch world's strictest parents and eat a quesadilla. like literally nothing. i left my room twice i think and 1 was to make the quesadilla. anyway i have a constant need to steal my mom's cigarettes and i've never even smoked before. i think it's less of the nicotine craving and more of a need to feel something and the adrenaline rush from stealing. i ste... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
i was supposed to go to my dad's house today but i had a panic attack and my mom let me stay home. i have nothing against my dad, he's great. it's just not my house. it's uncomfortable and i sleep in a basement (which i sleep in a basement at my mom's house too but like it's my room and i have a bed and i dont have to sleep in the same room as my brother blegh). i should probably see my dad more a... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
i wish someone would stalk by pinterest, my instagram, my spacehey, my tumblr, my anything like i stalk theirs i wish someone would scroll through hundreds of those "your initials, your ____" videos searching for ours like i do for all my friends i wish someone would tell me random things they think of just to start a conversation like i do to everyone i wish someone would make something just to s... » Continue Reading