Category: Blogging
Lurking around here and seeing the general userbase makes me feel so ancient for being 28 lmao, where are all the oldheads...I'm waving my hands to call to you... » Continue Reading
"why, or why not?"
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Category: Blogging
Lurking around here and seeing the general userbase makes me feel so ancient for being 28 lmao, where are all the oldheads...I'm waving my hands to call to you... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Books and Stories
It's so funny to me how often I'm like...I need to try out new stories, I need to engage with stuff I haven't seen a million times... ...But I'm back on that kick of reading Higurashi for the millionth time. Oops. In my defense, it's one of the greatest visual novels of all time! » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Just want a comfy, kitschy little page to be myself on because I am sooooo tired of centralized social media. Dunno how much I'll realistically be using it, but I'd love to make some friends! » Continue Reading