a pair, composed of two people. people one (too early for their own liking ) sat down in the coffee shop waiting for people two, due to how "un-waitfull" people one was they had ordered muffins about an hour ago but never received them, being too lazy to care they kept waiting. people two was actually perfectly on time with their current route (too on time for their own liking) » Continue Reading
I use this thing they call writing all the time to vent because I know no one will read this, yet I keep it public for some reason... lime really I'm doing this purely for attention and you know... its a hit or miss I never really cared, 'bout what? 'bout that, caring. It's just another thing, another thing to be cared about, but I never really cared 'bout that thing they call caring when I think... » Continue Reading
Hello, my name is Denise (lie) and I came here on total accident (lie). Today I will introduce who I am (lie) and who you should think I am. Imagine I put effort into the writing, which I did (lie) and I also took time to revise this (lie). The usual first thing people think about me is wowie it's a human being, and honestly I'm ashamed to admit that I also think the same thing; In all honesty I j... » Continue Reading