Broken Romantic

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22 yr old Hopeless Romantic

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Why do I mess everything up?

Category: Life

Why do I always mess everything up?  I'm always doing something wrong. there's never something I'm doing right. too fat, too stupid, too lazy, too much acne, i missed one spot when i was cleaning-- i cry too much, you worry too much- you interrupt people too much (my untreated adhd makes me do it and i never mean to).  is there anything im doing right? why can i love myself? why doesnt anyone love... » Continue Reading

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— 3 Kudos

do you think i'm someone's favorite person?

Category: Romance and Relationships

I don't think I'm my boyfriends, because if I was he wouldn't act the way he does. thinking about it now- I don't know what I am to anyone in my life? and it hurts.  I try to connect with people but I feel like I can't... I want to... but I shut down because they don't seem interested in me. like who I am or what I have to say. no one wants me in their life forever. they don't want me to stay and ... » Continue Reading

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— 4 Kudos

I wish I had a love like the movies.

Category: Romance and Relationships

No, I don't mean the super unrealistic stuff yk? But just... the cute stuff. Cute dates, getting love letters- told romantic things like how loved I am. It's weird, because almost all of my life I never really felt loved by friends or family. And when I did feel it, it was temporary, and inconsistent. I went through relationships where I had constantly been stepped on and left for friends- and the... » Continue Reading

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