Hyperlink version if ur too lazy to copy it it gets blocked litterally everywhere else SO i had to use fucking google drive LMAO » Continue Reading
Im loosing grip on social cues and I’m not fun to be around anymore like I’m turning into that person that nobody rlly likes at the party. And I don’t know Hosenrockes change that like it makes me so f sad and angry lol I need more „real“ friends like irl but I don’t even know where tho find friends after school all the places I go r just boring ppl. Rant lol so cute » Continue Reading
my old best friend (noah) ugly ppl most food (im a picky eater :( ) greasy hair waking up in generall elon musk the feeling of wet hair on my head shaving (sm work lol) being broke incels "femcels" bad internet german rap » Continue Reading
Grimes Minecraft VIRA Internet Avril Lavigne Drawing Music That random feeling of happiness at 3am while listening to music Jumping Around Spinning around till ur feeling sick Instagram Roblox AI (its so f intresting lol) Humanoid Robots (Ameca etc) Cringey 2010 nightcore songs Zheani freshly washed hair clean skin My room Buffy the vampire slayer Phones » Continue Reading
1. My jaw 2. my teeth 3. my thin hair (currently balding cuz my Ed lol) 4. greasy hair (I SHOWER DAILY BUT IT GETS LIKE THAT AFTER LIKE AN HOUR AAA) 5. my arms 6. My fingers 7. My smell 8. My forehead 9. Wide ribcage 10. my posture (I’m walking around like a goblin :3) Would post this on my insta BUT I wnna be more active on here lol » Continue Reading
I installed a skin thatt makes windows 10 look like windows XP again cuz windows 10 looks SO BORING like fr why is everything so flat and clean >:D oh btw its in german cuz im german LMAO » Continue Reading
im working in a daycare now lol, and yay i didt fail school (i finished school this august). and tbh kids arent that bad :3 BUT SOMe of thEM R SO ANYONYYFG LIKE HOW . its funny how they cant understand sarcasm XD » Continue Reading