Where did u go on new year's?
> i took a bath and manifested  goodluck stuff for 2023
Who kissed you on new year's?
> strade from boyfriend to death totally
Did you have a New Year's Resolution this year?
> it was about this guy who had a crush on me and wanting to get closer hes now my friend and the dude who got me into btd
Does it snow where you live?
> yes a fuck ton love it tho
Do you like hot chocolate?
> sometimes depends on the brand and how its made
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
> no ive watched it on tv 

Who was your Valentine?
> my bf at the time cove (we broke up like a day after lmao he forced me into a relationship)
When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class?
> i drew shadow and amy ship art on my valentines day bag and we were forced to pass out to the whole class
Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
> the groundhog can sleep i would too
What did you receive for valentine's day?
> chocolate strawberries
What did you give for Valentine's Day?
> nothing

MARCH 2023
Are you irish?
> nein scottish german
Do you like corned beef and cabbage?
> no
What did you do for St Patrick's Day?
> think about the pagans killed for the holiday a few hundreds years ago
Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
> kinda yeah im excited for the summer 

APRIL 2023
Do you like the rain?
> i love it
Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
Do you get tons of candy for Easter?
> dont celebrate
Do you celebrate 4/20?
> yes ofc
Do you love the month of April?
> yeah its my birthmonth

MAY 2023
What is your favorite flower?
> oleander and dead snapdragons
Finish the phrase "April showers…"
> never actually showers in april
Do you celebrate May 16th: National Piercing Day?
> i didn't know this was a holiday lmao
Is May anything special to you?
> its the month i got with my horrid exes

JUNE 2023
What year did/will you graduate from high school?
> 2025
Did you do anything fun during this Month?
> went to salt lake city
Have a favorite baseball team?
> no

JULY 2023
What did you do on the 4th of July?
> went to visit my german side of my family
Did you go to the fireworks?
> yeah
Did you blast the A/C all day?
> yeah..

Did you have a sunburn?
> no but my exes did 
Did you go to the pool a lot?
> yeah and i meditated

Are you attending college/school?
> homeschooled
Do you like fall better than summer?
> 100%
What happened this month?
> healing

Whats your favorite candy?
> sweetarts
What was your favorite thing(s)about this month?
> haymaze, the cold, death
What were you for Halloween?
> vincent sinclair from house of wax

Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
> stay home
What are you thankful for?
> getting away from past relationships and my friends n family
Do you love stuffing?
> my moms lavender stuffing is the best
Anything exciting happen this month?
> so much food

Do you celebrate Christmas?
> no i celebrate yule
Have you ever been kissed under the mistle toe?
> no i don't think ive ever actually seen mistletoe
Get anything special last year?
> loft bed n xbox
What do you want next year?
> i feel as if i am going to meet someone i can feel them near and
What do you love most about December?
> yule

2 Kudos


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