Now I have a place to fill out those god-awful surveys for all the world to see, just like old times! :D

Now I have a place to fill out those god-awful surveys for all the world to see, just like old times! :D

What color was the last candle you lit?

Is there something written on your shirt right now?
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

Is there a bookshelf in your room?

Do you own a treadmill?
yes, actually.

Have you ever signed up for a gym membership?
a looooooong time ago.

What color was the last fish you had?
fish colored

Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it?
yeah it's black

Have you ever read in the bathtub?
nah thats too heterosexual

If you play the sims, do you download custom clothes, hair, etc?
I used to

Have you ever put ice cubes in milk?
...that is also suspiciously heterosexual.

Does your animal sleep with you?

Do you own one of those reed diffusers? What scent is it?

What do you use to remove your makeup at night?
lol y'all think I wear makeup these days

Do you have a favorite TV show that actually isn’t on air anymore?
not sure

Have you ever bought something off iTunes?

Have you ever had to wear a hairnet?

Do you know how many pages the last book you read had?

What day of the week does the laundry usually get done?

Do you use the Facebook chat often?

Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer?
somewhere I do

How many favorites do you have on YouTube?
Jeez, this is dated...

What channel is the food network?
I actually don't have that one

Do you still write in pencil?

What brand is your foundation?

What kind was the last chip you ate?
Lays probably

Do you eat onion rings?

When did you last go to the zoo?
When I was like 16

How many cardigans do you own?
I have no clue

What is your favorite song to play on Guitar Hero or Rock Band?
oh lord this realllllyyyy is dated...

How many colors has your hair been?
blonde, black, blue, green, brown

When you drink chocolate milk do you just buy the jug of it or the syrup that you can put into the milk?
both actually

What flavor of tea did you last have?
green tea

Do you own a robe? What color is it?

Steal it, idgaf.

1 Kudos


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⛪️ ♄el ℞azor ℧

🔥⛪️🔥 ♄el ℞azor ℧ 😈's profile picture

stirring chocolate milk while u stab ur friend justgirlythingz

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by Crazy Charlie; ; Report