About Me :D


Name: Lina

Pronouns: She/They

Birthday: May 9th

Siblings: 0

Job: Student


Hair Color: Light Brown (experimenting with hair dye soon)  

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'2" 1/2

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Look Alike Celebrity: Sandra Bullock (according to my mom)

Dyed Your Hair: SOOOOOON

Have Braces: No 

Wear Glasses: Yes, I look better w/o them imo, but I have an eye condition (Strabismus) so I have to

Piercings: I wish (maybe someday) Side note: might get my ears pierced soon, but that's the only type my parents are ok with so I have to wait to get others.   

Tattoos: I plan on getting some eventually, once I grow a tolerance to needles (My mom hates tatts on women tho so lol)


Color: Purple

Video Game: IDK

TV Show: I have a lot 

Animal: Cat

Food: Anything with chocolate 

Drink: Idk... I had a chocolate milkshake from Arby's yesterday that was good

Day Of The Week: Friday baby!

Season: fall

Song: it changes a lot

Band: linkin park, 3 days grace, MCR, The frey, Coldplay, etc

Teacher: My high school drama club director 

Class: was always some sort of science

Holiday: Halloween & Xmas

Book: I don't read much

Plant: Sunflowers, Lilacs or Roses probably 


Summer or Winter Fall (Summer just has not been pleasant in a few years) 

Cats or Dogs

Pepsi or Coke (depends)

Ocean or Pool (Ether)

Black or White

Chocolate or Vanilla

Rock or Rap

TV or Movie (Ether, depends)

Stars or Hearts (both)

Bracelets or Necklaces (I don't wear jewelry that much) 

Gold or Silver


Taken or Single: Single :...)

Not Mine, Got the template from Monty

1 Kudos


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