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Category: News and Politics

We the People are Terrified!

We wrote the following to the manufacturer of non-lethal guns. I provide it here because it shows how desperate we are to be safe here in a city and state that prefers to turn a blind eye to violent criminal behavior while forcing its citizens to be defenseless via onerous and highly punitive anti-gun legislation.


We are a married couple living in New York City, otherwise known as America's Official Haven for Violent Criminals. Are your pistols legal here? Would we need a permit? Would buying them give Governor Hochul, Mayor Adams, and their criminal-loving cronies reason to prosecute us? Seriously, this city is out of control and we are legitimately scared. We and everyone we know live in homes secured by window bars, metal security doors, alarm systems, motion detectors, floodlights, and more. However, it's not enough. We need to defend ourselves from criminals just as much as we would need to defend ourselves from NYC's prosecutors who prefer to turn a blind eye to crime and the possession of guns by criminals even as they go after lawful citizens who are wrongfully deprived of their Second Amendment rights and forced to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their possessions with pepper spray, or with bear spray if defending a home. So, again, please let us know if your products are approved for use by law-abiding citizens in New York City. There are many lawful and legal citizens here, and we are terrified. Thank you.

(Our Names)

The company responded by pointing out that their devices, though gun-like in appearance, are allowed in NYC given an NYC-compliant modification kit is used. That is how f*cked up this state and city are! You can only buy a non-lethal defensive delivery system IF YOU FURTHER NEUTER THE PRODUCT!!! Moreover, I would prefer to buy a Mossberg tactical shotgun and a .45 auto since I have NO criminal record, but here in the land where the Constitution matters not, we have to settle for dealing with thugs by directing them to the nearest "GUN FREE ZONE" sign (which criminals don't care about but law-abiding citizens are forced to obey) or hoping they just go away.

Retirement looms large for me. When I finally reach the finish line to my career, I will pull up stakes and move to a state where citizens have a fighting chance against crime, where tax rates don't place unreasonable burdens on We the People, and where the taxes collected are used for the benefit of the very people who paid them. Such places are not named New York or California, and that's why those states—their major cities, in particular—are rapidly turning into crime-infested cesspools.


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Sardonic The Hedgehog

Sardonic The Hedgehog's profile picture

I'd tell you to come out here but I'd have to reveal where here is and I'd have to ask you to stake out this raccoon with me once you purchase a gun (you're legally required to have one 'round here).

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Do you have a place to setup a conibears (which take time) or a leg trap? If not, then has it proven too smart for a standard cage trap? We had just such a raccoon around here once. It was huge. It was smart. It was destructive. It was fixated on entering the home of a neighbor. It was introduced to that neighbor's .22 air rifle (which are 100% illegal here in NY).

by TechRider (Mélange); ; Report

Correction: It was a standard rifle. I remember hearing 2 booms, not the "pfft" of an air rifle.

by TechRider (Mélange); ; Report

I'd have to re-acquire --HOLY MOLY HE'S OUT THERE RIGHT NOW-- I'd have to re-acquire a live trap. I have cats and they're smart enough to avoid the live trap but too stupid to avoid anything that would nab them by the leg.

by Sardonic The Hedgehog; ; Report


pastelprincess01's profile picture

The Hoosier state will welcome you with open arms!!

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Thank you for reading the above and for providing such a positive reply! Now I have to look into life as a Hoosier!

by TechRider (Mélange); ; Report