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Category: News and Politics

Communism does not and will never work.

How soon has the planet forgotten history?

In not-so-recent years, if you were to scream to the world via megaphone just how much of a worker-loving "comrade" you were, you would be told, in no uncertain terms, that you're beyond ignorant. In the current year, you would instead be met with thunderous applause and a platform to voice their belief and supposed care for the common man. The hard-working man.

I sometimes wonder how exactly young people latch on to the idea of communism. Have they heard words about equal pay? Government programs to prevent poverty? Wow, they actually care about the average Joe! Sounds pretty good, no?

But that is precisely the problem. It only sounds good. Young people don't truly realize how little control they will have over what they choose to do. The government will control every single facet of life. They control the water that comes out of your sink. They control what food and supplies you get and how much. They control exactly what you see on the television. They control what music you listen to, and more. And what, my dear reader, has history proven when you give a government too much control? You get figures like Stalin and Mao. Communism, without fail, has always morphed into totalitarianism. The very thing commies swear against.

I've seen the profiles of communists on this site. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands. A very interesting find among my excavations is that the grand majority of them seem to be American and not a single one of them is above the age of 18. These are calling cards for someone that doesn't actually know what it's like to live under a communist government. They don't understand how it really works and are not willing to research beyond "free shit" and "equal pay" because that's what got them on board. They don't care about class struggle. They only pretend to so that they don't have to buy anything. It's all state manded and free, which, by the way, does not guarantee quality. Have you ever wondered why your school lunches are always dry and taste like cardboard? Welcome to tax funding. Now imagine if that lack of quality sneaks it's way into your building materials and other basic necessities.

If you're a communist who is too confused or upset to understand any of this, then go get a job. Get your first paycheck, if you're even old enough. I'll be happy to listen to you suddenly yelling to the heavens that a man is always entitled to the sweat of their brow. Additionally, if you're a TEENAGE communist, you obviously have proven that you're not one to think beyond very basic understanding, so I'll translate my points into a language you can understand: Under communism, you can say goodbye to all your luxuries. No more computer, no more internet, no more TikTok, no more Xbox, no more Starbucks, no more free choice. Wanna be a carpenter when you grow up? Too bad! You're gonna be a police officer whether you like it or not. The very platform you're using to voice your beliefs, SpaceHey, is itself a product of capitalism. 

Why can all of this not exist under communism? Think for a moment why businesses even form and grow in the first place. People want things. Phones, for example. As time goes on, phones become outdated. Tech companies can only grow further if they advance their products. People will keep buying from them if they do. If there's compeition, which their always is, that's even more incentive for them to advance their tech because consumers will want to buy whatever is the better phone. Haven't YOU eventually bought a new phone because your old one kept freezing and eventually keeled over? Why did you buy an PlayStation 5 after you've been using your PlayStation 4 for so long? It's because the PS5 is just more advanced, isn't it? You're aiding capitalism and don't even know it! Under communism, none of this can exist because it's only for the "bourgeoisie scum", which is enough to put the kibash on all of it. The government is not going to give you state-mandated PlayStations or phones or video games or sex toys or anything else like that because it doesn't matter to them. Wanna buy these things yourself? Too bad! You're neighbor doesn't have those things, so I guess the government has to come in and confiscate it all. Sorry!

For the eventual "but China is communist and look how advanced it is" comments, no, China is not communist. It's not as advanced as you think it is either. China only calls itself communist as a reminder to the people of the governments complete and total control, which is what communism always devolves into. China is a hybrid communist-capitalist nation, and even then it's still a total shitshow.

I don't think I have anything else left to say. If you're a communist and I made you upset, good. If you agree with me, also good. Anyway, thx for reading.

10 Kudos


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dreamspider's profile picture

Personally I'm anti-state and not a communist or a capitalist, so I'm not really arguing from either side here. Capitalist societies easily morph into corpocracies and are incentivized by profit, not necessarily by quality. A lot of the reason school lunches and other tax-funded public services are so shit is because our taxes our wildly mismanaged (largely due to the military-industrial complex), not because we don't have enough taxes to pay for quality food. Also, the government already controls everything we do, we're just used to it.

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bngs516's profile picture

anarchy is the way to go ✌️

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Moufy's profile picture

such a long post to explain what should be common sense

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