♡ I'm baaaack!! Also update quizzz before 2023 ends!! ♡

Hey y'all! I'm back. Hopefully for good <33 also I stole this from someone ahaha. Enjoy! Also happy late Halloween and merry early Christmas!! ♡♡


name: Levi/Envy <3

nickname: Idm anyone can make up a nickname for me ^^

age: 17 

pronouns: she/they he/they

birthday: April 5th (I'm an Easter egg) 

siblings: (Including my cousins I got about 6) but mainly 1 youngster

straight/bi/gay: Bi till I die <3 (Heisenberg and Alcina loverrrr) 

job: ✨living✨


hair color: black, probs gonna dye it again

eye color: dark/light brown

height: 5"0

dye your hair: I used to but I haven't rlly gotten the chance 

have bangs: yes, mushroom

have braces: nope

wear glasses: I did once. No more

wear contacts: I have cosplay onces

piercings: not yet <3

tattoos: hopefully soon!! 


Color: Black n purple are two of em 

Movie: I liked studio Ghibli and probably the FNaF movie. But overall the movies I've seen are all amazing

TV show: lately I've been catching up on a lotta anime but I guess family reunion. Can always watch it and never get bored 

animal: cats n Rabbies but I've been thinking of getting a snake when I live on my own 

drink: strawberry milk lately has been my obsession

food: anything but mostly sweet stuff

day of the week: Fridaze

season: Winter. Brings me joy

song: not sure but I've been vibing to Jessica maubiy as of rn and tiktok audios

sport: walk-in like I own it

restaurant: none

teacher: I had this one. She was an art teacher 

subject: Art

holiday: Uhhhh. Summer. I hate the weather but love how long they are 

book: I've had a lot but I guess i really like this one by Neil Gaimen

memory: Any that I have with my siblings 


person you hugged: probably my mum last night

thing you said: not in here 

thing you ate: vanilla yoghurt 

texted: my sister

you called: I hate calls

called you: my mum cause she thought I was ignoring her 

person you saw: my mum and sister 

you had a long conversation with: my mum


summer or winter: winter, it's my best friend 

cats or dogs: cats ofc 

Pepsi or Coke: coke maybe 

cell phone or Ipod: cell phone 

ocean or pool: pool

black or white: black, the God of shades and colors

chocolate or vanilla: chocolate? 

rock or rap: yungblud and mgk and graive

TV or movie: tv

stars or hearts: stars. Hearts are made for breaking. Stars shine over the darkness 

gold or silver: silver babes

kisses or hugs: Hugs ig? Kisses. Eh

pen or pencil: pen. But pencil for sketching 


smoked: vape? I've done

stayed home from school: I dropped out : D

been to the mall: nope. Last time was... I think this month. But to the mall specifically nah. It's been 6-7 months 

bought a book: not yet

been to a show/concert: In my dreams 😭

yelled at someone: no... I really want to tho

got into a fight/argument: once or more

cried to a friend: never

told the truth: sorta


TV: yeah. Rarely use it tho 

your own phone: off how else am I supposed to listen to music?? 

your own phone line: nope

VCR: nope

DVD player: used to when I was younger 

radio: speaker? Yes 

computer: Its not in my room but in my garage

photos/drawings?: absolutely! They're everywhere 

of what?: drawings/family/old drawings/posters

pictures: of me, I have about 100+ lmao. But of anyone else. Kinda


taken or single: single.... 

got a crush: eh. No. Not yet anyway

0 Kudos


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