☆nonamer's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

Quiz/Copypasta/Form Thing

Copied from MetalHeart ☭


Name: nonamer

Pronouns: He/Him

Birthday: December 02 2003

Siblings: One

Job: None


Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 6'0 ft / 1,84 m

Ethnicity: VERY Mixed

Look Alike Celebrity: Idk maybe Taika Waititi if he was brazillian and not as hot

Dyed Your Hair: Purple, twice

Have Braces: Not anymore thank GOD

Wear Glasses: Very much so I'm pretty much Velma if she was a man and brazillian and not as hot

Wear Contacts: Nah

Piercings: 4 earrings and I think I'm good for now

Tattoos: At some point in the near future!


Color: Red

Video Game: Garry's Mod

TV Show: Community / Farscape / Neon Genesis Evangelion

Animal: All of them but cats and deep-sea creatures tho

Food: Pizza

Drink: Coffee / Beer

Day Of The Week: Saturday

Season: They're all pretty cool I guess

Song: Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) / Road To Nowhere (Talking Heads)

Band: Queen / Lush

Teacher: My cool 8th Year (brazillian educational system) History teacher who looked like a 5'5 ft Metalhead Jesus, Roberto. Absolute legend.

Class: History / Geography / Art

Holiday: Christmas / Carnaval (2 week holiday! Suck it, non-brazillians!)

Book: The Hobbit

Plant: Sadly mushrooms aren't plants so I gotta go with Sunflowers.


Summer or Winter: Winter cause I live in Rio and I'm dying over here

Cats or Dogs: Can't choose, both is the way to go.

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi

Ocean or Pool: Ocean!

Black or White: Black

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

Rock or Rap: I'll have to go with Rock on this one

TV or Movie: Movie

Stars or Hearts: Stars

Bracelets or Necklaces: I'll lose both but yeah Bracelets

Gold or Silver: Silver


Taken or Single: Taken, and loving it!

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