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Category: News and Politics

Don't stop speaking up for Palestine.

Right now, there is a 4 day "ceasefire"* in Palestine. Make no mistake, however: A 4 day "ceasefire" is not enough. An end to apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and colonialism is desperately needed in Palestine. Land needs to be given back to Palestinians NOW. A permanent ceasefire is needed NOW. Right now, governments everywhere are trying to get us to forget about what is going on in Palestine. They want us to contribute to consumer culture by getting us to buy all kinds of products that are currently on sale. DON'T forget about Palestine. DON'T go on a shopping spree without thinking about what you're doing. 


Freeing Palestine from apartheid, occupation, colonialism, and the far right Israeli government will not only help Palestinians, but Israelis as well. Theocratic states, apartheid, religious/racial supremacism, and colonialism harm everybody. These things not only do harm to those most affected by them, but also cause those who are benefitting from them to lose both their ability to empathize with other human beings and fight what really needs to be fought. Decolonization is the only true path to peace for everyone. Decolonization liberates all. Palestinians deserve to get their land back, just as Indigenous Americans deserve to get their land back. Palestinians deserve to live in peace; they deserve to live prosperous lives full of hope and freedom. They deserve liberation. Palestinian resistance against colonialism, apartheid, and violence is absolutely justified. 

* This really isn't a ceasefire anyway. Israelis are still shooting at Palestinians. Don't believe me? Read this: https://truthout.org/articles/israeli-forces-have-still-killed-palestinians-amid-4-day-ceasefire/ and make sure to watch any of the Palestine TikTok compilation videos I have linked to my "Video of the Day: November" blog. Those videos have 50-60 minutes of nonstop news in them, most of it coming straight from journalists (and children/families) in Palestine and Palestinians in other parts of the world. I highly recommend you subscribe to the channel "Bread" (the one who makes these videos), because they release a new video every day. One of their newer videos has had a few TikToks discussing how the Israeli military is still enacting violence on and arresting Palestinians (the arrests are particulary common in the West Bank) during this so-called 4-day pause.

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