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Category: News and Politics

Something that really annoys me

Is when cishet people try to own pro-Palestinian LGBTQ+ people by telling us that if we were in Palestine, we would all be killed. Out of all anti-Palestinian arguments, this one is one of the ones that irks me the most. For starters, these cishet people always claim to care about LGBTQ+ people, but then turn their heads the other way whenever LGBTQ+ Palestinians are in danger (including now!!!). They use LGBTQ+ Palestinians as weapons against us, which is offensive, queerphobic, and racist. They also generalize all Palestinians as queerphobic, bloodthirsty terrorists who are always looking to kill LGBTQ+ people, which is (again) racist and extremely incorrect. It's almost as if anti-Palestinians are unable to see Palestinians as the humans they are! Lastly, these cishet anti-Palestinans always fail to understand that pro-Palestine LGBTQ+ people are pro-Palestine because we realize that Palestinian liberation is LGBTQ+ liberation (and vice versa). All people's struggles are interconnected, after all.

I should also mention that attempting to distract LGBTQ+ people from the genocide that is currently being carried out against Palestinians by bringing up queerphobia is extremely disrespectful.


Another really annoying thing about anti-Palestinian cishet people who talk about how all LGBTQ+ people would be killed if they were in Palestine is that these people fail to condemn queerphobia in Israeli society. Sadly, no society is immune to queerphobia. It exists everywhere, including in Israel. We need to be fighting queerphobia everywhere.

Anyways, read these articles: https://www.them.us/story/lgbtq-solidarity-palestine-saed-atshan 




Listen to this video as well: https://youtu.be/Xsgdk-DDSXc?si=HQCX98ThlLkViYtO

13 Kudos


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θΔ r0tting_coyote θΔ

θΔ r0tting_coyote θΔ's profile picture

I hate when I hear shit like this, it always makes me so uncomfy cuz thats not even the issue at hand here. Idc if they support us rn or not, what we care about is that they are safe

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they cant exactly have a change of heart if they're dead.

by θΔ r0tting_coyote θΔ; ; Report

Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing with me? I can't tell lulz

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report

oh sorry lol. I'm agreeing with you

by θΔ r0tting_coyote θΔ; ; Report

Oh, okay! :D

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report

sorry the wording there was kinda weird lol

by θΔ r0tting_coyote θΔ; ; Report

It's okay!

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report

☽ 𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖆 ☾

☽ 𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖆 ☾'s profile picture

I learned recently that using this argument is called "Pinkwashing". This is a really good article on it for anyone wanting to learn more. https://decolonizepalestine.com/rainbow-washing/pinkwashing/

There is also "Purplewashing" which is the same thing but instead of focusing on LGBTQ+, it focuses on women's rights and feminism: https://decolonizepalestine.com/rainbow-washing/purplewashing/ and there are other colors as well for adjacent ideas: https://decolonizepalestine.com/rainbow-washing/

These techniques are not exclusive to this particular conflict, but they are more relevant than ever in light of recent events.

Thank you for bringing awareness to these issues with your blog. Free Palestine!

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I love the decolonizepalestine website!! It taught me a lot and inspired me to do further research.

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report

Also, free Palestine! 🇵🇸

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report


Fatima's profile picture

Also, Israel is presumably bombing LGBT Palestinians…can’t exactly advocate for your rights when you’re dead.

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by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report