
When's the last time you ran?

Probably the other month a little, I run the risk of getting KO'd by my own chest when I run 

Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?

I wear leggings the most regularly and only accidentally do they have holes xD

What are you dreading right now?

Not much more than general adult life

Do you celebrate 420?

Nope I don't smoke the wacky baccy

Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?


If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do?

Get comfortable under blankets and drink coffee <3

Who last grabbed your ass?

thankfully only my other half xD

Have you ever been on your school's track team?


Do you own a pair of Converse?

Nah, although I could use a new pair

Did you copy and paste this survey?

Indeedy I did

Do you eat raw cookie dough?

You shouldn't but I do XD

Have you ever kicked a vending machine?

No but I have caught my wrist in one and grabbed the attention of a full room panicking trying to remove it xD

Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?


Do you watch Trading Spaces?


How do you eat oreos?

Top layer of biscuit first, lick off the middle and eat the rest

Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?


Are you cocky?


Could you live without a computer?

Not in this day and age 

Do you wear your shoes in the house?

Only slippers, more comfortable

Who or what sleeps with you?

My other half and far too many teddies

At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?

Many years ago

How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?


What do you do when you're sad?

Have a nice wash, put on a comfort film, get a blanket and switch off my mind

Who would you call first if you won the lottery?

My other half

Last time you saw your best friend?

A while ago, since I moved town

Are you in high school?


What jewelry are you wearing?

My work-friendly engagement ring

Is anyone on your bad side now?


What's the first thing you do when you get online?

Youtube or some sort of film

Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?


How do most people spell your name?

Malika, Myleeka or even Mikayla which is nowhere near close xD

Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?

Yeah but I'm kinda chunky so only my other half's old work fleece fits me

Where do you work?

At  a food retail shop as a supervisor

What are you doing tomorrow?

Running errands

Favorite name for a girl?

Lily or Alice

Favorite name for a boy?

Haven't got one

Will you keep your last name when you get married?

No unless I double barrel my name

When was the last time you left your house?

Earlier for work reasons

Do you return your cart?


Do you have a dishwasher?


What noise do you hear?

The sound of me typing

Would you survive in prison?

Who knows

Who is the youngest in your family?

My youngest sibling is 11

If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack?

Probably me

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?


What's the last thing you purchased?

Some chicken slices

Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?

Not really, although my little sister bought me lunch a few weeks back

What brand are your pants right now?

Some thermal company

Ever been to Georgia (the state)?


What irritates you most on the internet?

Lots of things

What brand is your digital camera?

I don't own one

Do you watch movies with your parents?

Not for quite some time now

What song best describes your life right now?

None in particular

Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?

Not very expensive but Ghost Deep Night

Are you taking college classes right now?

Nah been there done that, although I'd consider going again to learn something new

Do you like sushi?


Do you get your hair cut every month?


Do you go online everyday?


Will you pass this survey on to 5 people?


0 Kudos


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