- Who are you texting? - No one lol
- Why aren't you in 'love' with your last ex anymore? - oh god she was crazier than me lmfao
- Do you think anyone has feelings for you? - no one
- How late did you stay up last night and why? - up until 5am, Im super sick and feel like shit.
- What do you currently hear right now? - my grandpas phone alarm
- Do you smoke crack everyday? - nope
- When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? - about 2 or 3 days ago.
- Who was the first person you talked to today? - my dad.
- Have you ever ridden a horse? - yeah at a friends bday years ago when I was like 8
- Have you ever cried so much you threw up? - yup
- What are you looking forward to in the next month? - Christmas!
- Are you anything like you were at this point last year? - kind of
- Are you wearing jeans right now? - no.
- Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't? - yeah.
- What's something you do when you're mad? - punch a wall :/
- Are you a patient person? - no lol
- Would you rather be mad or sad? - sad
- Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? - well I have before. So I guess, but I dont want to date anyone rn.
- Do you ever use words like stoked, souped or sick? - yep sick nd stoked.
- When was the last time you cried? - I think 2 days ago
- Closest green object to you? - a green cup on the kitchen counter.
- Where is your default picture taken? - it’s a photo of the misfits crimson ghost dude idk I got it off google like 5 months ago.
- What is your current mood? - pretty chilled.
- If you could go back in time and change something, would you? - some stuff with old friends nd old stuff I did, I would talk to my younger self.
- Favorite color?- black or red.
- What's your favorite smell? - the smell after it rains, and fire. (Like the smell after you’ve been camping)
- Ever kissed in the rain? - nope
- What are you thinking about right now? - literally nothing lol
- What should you be doing? - homework
- Do you like working in the yard? - ?? working in the yard ??
- What colour are your eyes? - brown or hazel or whatever
- Is there someone you just can't imagine your life without? - my dog.
- Where did you get your last bruise from? - walking into a wall and hitting my arm lolol
- Have you ever got a D or F on your report card? - oh yeah
- If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be? - don’t know their last name
- Were you happy when you woke up today? - nope.
- Do you believe in true love? - kind of.
- Will your next kiss be a mistake? - probably.
random survey thingy super bored
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niceeee ill do it
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by BONEMACH1NE; ; Report