name: iso/isolde
nickname: i have alot but the most popular two my friends use is glizolde and wizolde
age: 16 but 17 soon
birthday: nov 26
straight/bi/gay: not sure what label exactly but queer
job: school and animal education programs
hair color: brown
eye color: very very dark brown
height:like 5,1 ish i haven't checked in a hot minute lol
look like a celeb: i cant think of one lol
dye your hair:no sadly </3
have bangs: yeah!
have braces: i have those like wacky plastic clear ones
wear glasses: yeahhh
wear contacts: noo
piercings: none but i would love to in the future
tattoos: none rn but when I'm 18 you know it
Color: green!
Movie: I'm not sure there's so many good ones!
animal: i think like a rat or a opposum or any reptile
drink: SPRITE
food: mashed potoas, mac n cheese, rice
alcoholic drink: nuh uh
day of the week: friday
season: fall/spring
sport: fencing
restaurant: local thai restaurant very tasty
teacher: my middle school pe teacher was the goat
subject: art, history , sci
holiday: halloween
book: snap dragon
flower: snap dragon
person you hugged: my friend
thing you said: “goodnight” , my cat
thing you ate: chocolate banana
texted: mother
you called: mother
called you:mother
person you saw: father
you had a long conversation with: freimd
summer or winter: winter
cats or dogs: BOTH
Pepsi or Coke: sprite
cell phone or Ipod: cell phone
ocean or pool: ocean cuz the critters
black or white: i think black cuz i tend to wear darker colors
chocolate or vanilla: vanilaaa
flowers or candy: candy
rock or rap: rock
TV or movie: movie
AIM or MySpace: myspace
stars or hearts: stars!
bracelets or necklaces: i like braclets better but i constantly lose them so necklaces
gold or silver: sliver
kisses or hugs: hugs
pen or pencil: pen
smoked: no
stayed home from school: today lol
been to the mall: no
bought a book: no
been to a show/concert: not in the past month sadly
yelled at someone: not in a while
got into a fight/argument: none
cried to a friend: i cried to my self today LOL
told the truth: all da time
TV: no
your own phone: yea
your own phone line: no
VCR: no
DVD player: no
radio: yes
computer: yes
posters: yes
of what?: spider punl Minecraft, my own art, bands
pictures: some pics of friends n stuff
of who?: friends and cats
taken or single: single</3
got a crush: ur mom
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