The rise on anti-Semitism in Europe

First, I disagree with militant anything, including militant Zionism and militant Islam. There are ample scriptures in both the Tanakh and the Holy Qur'an calling for believers to treat non-believers fairly, justly and with empathy. These extremists do none of this, believing they are right to defend themselves with machine guns and artillery/rockets. 

I am a Zionist, to the point, I believe in a Jewish homeland. We have wandered the Earth for over two thousand years, and only in 1948, with an element of force and the facts about the Shoah, did the world call for the old lands of Judah and Samaria, Judaea and Samaria, the Roman province called Syria Palestrina, to be divided up under a United Nations mandate.

Prior to this date there were ample Jewish settlers in 'Palestine' on land purchased from Arabs who were among the melee of peoples who moved in to what had been the Jewish homeland after the forced expulsion of the Jews in the second century A.D. The growth of Jewish settlement went unchecked under the British mandate of Palestine during the years following the First World War.

Since October 7th, when Hamas murdered fourteen hundred innocent Israelis in their cause of a free and Islamic Palestine (ruled by their style of heretical Islam) the fate of those Israelis has been subjugated by the effects of the Israeli reaction, and calling for revenge, and the recovery of almost three hundred hostages taken by Hamas. The Muslims have settled in countries throughout Europe and hold an influence because of their threat of violence on the streets of Europe, as we have seen incessantly in France, in Sweden, Germany, Holland, Belgium and countless other democracies where the correct use of rights is in the electoral systems, not in bombs and rifles.

With this has come a heightened anti-Semitic rhetoric, even perpetrated by national media outlets.

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Z0mbie's profile picture

Luv you for this!!
Sending love to you my Jewish sister <3

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Thank you

by Saadia; ; Report


ftpliv's profile picture

So a jewish homeland means the genocide of innocent plaestinians? Not just muslims, but palestinians

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It does NOT! In 1948 the UN talked with both Muslims and Jews about dividing the land up, to a dual state, but the Muslims did not want to engage with the UN, believing the Jews were stealing their land.

It is an issue which cannot be compared to any other because of the historical precedences, and the facts of the Shoah, caused in effect because nations believe the Jews an easy people to be able to abuse, just like the Roma, the Inuit, the Sami, and various other peoples (including the Kurds and Yazidi) in other places.

The Romans expulsed the Jewish people from their homeland, but they no longer exist as an authority, we have the UN which has the collective authority to decide these questions, and seek a justice for all peoples living in Syria Palestrina, including Druze, Christians, Muslims and Jews.

Don't get caught up in the evil rhetoric of militant Islam and militant Zionism!

by Saadia; ; Report

Forcing them into the gaza strip is stealing their land tho is it not? No one on this earth is entitled to any specific plot of land. You have as much of a right to walk the lands as i do

by ftpliv; ; Report

There are lots of Palestinian Muslims who have become citizens of Israel, and enjoyed all that being a citizen of Israel has to offer, including getting a decent education!

by Saadia; ; Report

And? That still does not make it a valid argument?? They took the palestinians' land by force. They robbed them of their country. It doesn't matter if some palestinians apparently enjoy the education or whatever, it's still wrong and completely unjustified.

by ☆VAMPBOYMATT☆; ; Report