get 2 know me game

                 stolen from !!


Name? : Yuri

Pronouns? : he/him only 

Birthday? : january 18th <3

 capri sun scorpio moon aries moon and 333 is my angel number

Siblings? : one younger sister

Job? : being a my chem fan 


Hair color? : very dark brown

Eye color? : dark brown too

Height? : short

Ethnicity? : white

Look alike celeb? : -

Dye your hair? : once i made red highlights

Have braces? : nope my teeth r perfect, only my front teeth r big 🐰

Wear glasses? : no

Wear contacts? : no i can see

Piercings? : i WISH

tattoos? : no


Color? : red, blue, pink ... rainbow

Video game? : scott pilgrim

Tv show? : umbrella academy i guess

Animal? : DOGS >>> cats 

Food? : pasta its me mario

Drink? : coke zero (zed) its a terrible addiction

Day of the week? : thursday

Season? : spring

Song? : i cant decide

Band? : my chem 

Teacher? : history 

Class? : history is nice but i prefer doing nothing so p.e

Holiday? : christmas!

Book? : little women

Flower?: idk roses?


Summer or Winter? : summer

Cats or Dogs? : dogs

Pepsi or Coke? : Coke

Ocean or Pool? : Ocean 

Black or White? : Black

Chocolate or Vanilla? : chocolate , another terrible addiction!!!

Rock or Rap? : ROCK 

TV or Movie? : movie

Stars or Hearts? : hearts S2

Bracelets or Necklaces? : Bracelets

Gold or Silver? : Silver


Taken or Single? : single that gets involved in too many situantionships

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