Are you the quietest among your social circle?
depends, not rlly tho
What are you currently wearing?
a pinkish peach shirt
How many nicknames do you have?
prob like 2
How many messages have you received today?
like none cause everyone is busy including me lel
Do you like to vent when you have a problem or keep it to yourself?
usually keep it to myself :')
What's your favorite fashion trend?
idk but i have always stuck to '90s inspired fash
What's something you like to have many options to choose from?
MmmMm jewelry!! earrings esp!
What's a modern device you would find difficult to live without?
Have you ever dried and preserved flowers?
no :(
What is something you can't imagine ever doing?
screwing an old dude for money
Would you count to 10,000 for $1,000 dollars?
idk, prob not
When did you last take a selfie?
prob monday
What was the last favor you done?
idk i always do small favors for ppl
Are you currently watching something or listening to music?
not yet
Have you recently been sick?
i always feel sick smh, but i haven't been sick-sick since prob last winter
Last coffee order you got
just an iced coffee
Are you a naturally cheerful person?
for others, yes and it's authentic, i'm just not so much for myself
Have you ever listened to a song on repeat for hours? Which songs?
for hours!?? prob not
How many surveys do you usually take in a weeks time?
depends, this week i've been doing a lot cause i'm out of it mentally !!
Current mood?
What's some positive news you've heard recently?
my cat is healthy
Have you ever lost your taste and smell at the same time?
yeah from a cold
Have you ever frolicked through a field?
No :(((
Do you eat at McDonalds?
sometimes cause of my bf smh
What's a trait you dislike in some people?
high pitched fake laughter
What is something you find unnecessary?
What is something you'd define as ethereal?
my cat's silky fur
What's an issue you're currently experiencing?
making and saving $$
Are you or anyone in your family good singers?
ye my aunt is p good, i'm ok
Are you currently wearing something red?
not today :(
When did you last feel empty?
What did you last consume that had sugar in it?
idk i had a twix yesterday
Are you ready for the upcoming season?
ye ye ! it's finally cooling down in the morning here ^.^
Have you ever had a bicycle accident?
no i have never ridden a bicycle, i do not know how :')
When did you last look up at the clouds?
this morning!
Do you have a garden?
f i wish!!
When did you last have a bellyache?
What did you last change?
my clothes this morn!
Do you find it annoying when people tell you to cheer up or just smile when you're upset?
How often do you go outside?
Everyday tf! I will be outside more soon cause it's cooling down!
Is it currently hot where you live?
Not yet but it will be
What did you do first thing when you got out of bed this morning?
Are you more sensitive to heat or cold?
physically cold but neurologically, heat
What is something you are good at?
wasting time !
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