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Category: Quiz/Survey




name:: Feya

nickname:: FeyFey/Liki bc of my user

how old are you:: 15

zodiac sign:: Pisces

current location:: US

eye color:: blue-gray

hair color:: brown dyed black and pink (faded lol)

hair type:: wavy/mildly curly and lots of layers

height:: 5'5"-5'6"

your heritage:: idk my family is basically fully british and maybe throw some irish and german in there

what's your middle name:: Aine Bevan

shoe's you wore today:: converse

your weakness:: procrastination (im doing this instead of homework)

your fear:: failure and being alone

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no, but ive ridden a real elephant at a circus once. it was so cool

do you want to:: no, i would somehow break all 206 bones in my body 

goal you would like to achieve this year:: pass all of my classes and maybe draw up some ideas for a comic

first thought when you wake up:: "what time is it"

best physical feature:: my hair or eyes maybe. ooh combine the two actually: my eyelashes

who is your bestest friend:: i dont exactly have one lol

when is your bedtime:: my parents say i should be asleep by 10 pm, but i stay awake wayyyyy past that

your most cherished memory:: getting new monster high dolls when i was little

pepsi or coke:: pepsi i think

mc donalds or burger king:: mcdonalds only because i love the ice cream

single or group dates:: group! the more the merrier imo, plus im too awkward to keep up a convo with one person for a long time

what is the last song you sang:: spectacular spider-man theme song

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: yes, but i prefer singers

what is your biggest pet peeve:: when people think its soooo funny to make fun of someone for being different. grow up

do you drink:: no

ever been drunk:: mildly

do you smoke:: no, the scent makes me nauseous

do you "SMOKE":: no

do you sing:: yes!!

what color underwear do you have on:: black

do you want to go to college:: maybe, im not sure what for yet

have you ever been in love:: not really

do you want to get married:: maybe

do you believe in yourself:: i try to

do you believe in others:: again, i try to

do you like thunderstorms:: absolutely

do you play an instrument:: yeah, not very well though. i have an acoustic guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, euphonium, and a piano

what do you want to be when you grow up:: idk, maybe an author or actor

what country would you like to visit:: maybe finland, iceland, or japan

how many CD's do you own:: over 30, i dont know the exact number because i loan them out to my friends a lot or keep them in cars lol

how many DVD's do you own:: an INSANEEEE AMOUNT i genuinely have no clue how many

how many tattoo's do you have:: none

how many piercings do you have:: two, just the standard ones on my ears

how many things in the past do you regret:: so many, but the past is past, i cant change it now


shoes:: converse and demonias

radio station:: no clue, the radio stations in my area are just country or news

drink:: mogu mogu (lychee flavor is the bestttt)

car:: VW bug

place:: my room or very grand and intricate theaters

song:: right now, its probably red sky by thrice

movie:: right now, its the lego batman movie

moment:: singing my first solo on stage for a christmas concert. i sang something about december by christina perri

color:: light pastel yellow, not piss yellow

meal:: chicken curry


favorite eye color:: gray or brown

favorite hair color:: black or dark brown, or dyed to a fun color

short or long hair:: doesnt matter, but i like longer hair on guys and shorter hair on girls for some reason lol

height:: i actually really like short guys and tall girls, but height doesnt matter

body type:: any, but super muscular men scare me 

does ethnicity matter:: no

piercings:: i love piercings, but a lot of them scare me a bit lolll bc i feel like they might accidentally rip 

tattoos:: tattoos are cool, but i think im too young to date anyone with tattoos that arent some shitty stick and poke they did in their room in 2020 lol


do you think you are attractive:: i mean some days i look fabulous, others i look like dookie

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: no

would you like to be someones fantasy:: erm 

hunter or hunted:: what the fart does that even mean

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: idk

a little or a lot of tongue:: IDK

older or younger:: NO

lights on/lights off or candle light:: NOOOO

do you like to cuddle after:: STOP ASKING ME THISS

do you like to cuddle in general:: idk maybe? i get warm easily though and i prefer to be cold


what is todays date:: 10/20/2023

what time is it:: 12:08 PM

who are you thinking of:: batman

what are you listening to:: ...gotham city ambience 

do you love someone:: romantically? no

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: no?

does someone love you:: romantically? no

is it raining:: i wish

how many myspace friends do you have:: 63

are you happy:: mildly

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