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Category: News and Politics


I've been kind of scared to talk about this topic, but I figured it's time I say something.

The "war" in Israel and Palestine is not a war... it's ethnic cleansing, and it's unacceptable.

If this really was a war, then Israel, which is backed by the United States military (one of the largest militaries in the world, might I add), would not be the only one launching endless attacks on civilians. The Israeli military has weapons that Palestinians do not have.

If you know anything about the history of Israel and Palestine, you know well about the horrendous atrocities that Israel has committed against Palestine in the past.

This "war" is just another atrocity in Israel's list of atrocities. This "war" is a deliberate attempt to displace Palestinians from their homeland. Israel is not "retaliating" against or defending itself against Hamas. It is using the attack by Hamas as an excuse to k*ll as many Palestinians as possible.

Israel is a settler-colonial state that is actively engaging in Apartheid. The land that Israel currently resides on is stolen land.

If you are against colonialism, you should be standing with the people of Palestine. Period.

As an American, I feel it is important to speak up about this. Our government is currently spreading propaganda and lies about what is going on in Palestine. After all, our government stands with Israel. I would just like to take a moment to say that not all Americans stand with the Israeli government*. This American surely doesn't.

If you would like to learn more about the history of Israel and Palestine, I highly recommend the website decolonizepalestine.com. 

*I am making sure to distinguish the Israeli government from the Israeli people because, like I just said, the people of a country are not the government. There are Israelis of all stripes in Israel right now that are trying to fight back against their government. There are also Jewish people (and non-Jewish Israelis, too) in the US and abroad right now that are, as we speak, calling for a ceasefire and denouncing the settler-colonial state that is Israel. It is extremely important that we avoid both antisemitism and Islamophobia right now. 

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Also, if anybody replies to this blog post by asking me my opinions about what Hamas has done, I would just like to set the record straight and say that I do not support Hamas, though I understand why they did what they did (the Palestinian people have been oppressed for more than 75 years under Israeli rule and a third uprising was bound to occur sooner or later). Violence is violence (even though the violence committed by Hamas is incomparable to the violence that the Israeli government has committed against the Palestinian people in years past). However, blaming an entire group of people for something one group has done is absolutely unacceptable. The Israeli government is dehumanizing Palestinians by calling them beasts and vermin. Make no mistake: This dehumanization is inherently genocidal. Besides, Hamas' actions do not matter as much as Israel's blatant attempt at genocide. As I mentioned earlier in the above blog post, Israel is using the attacks by Hamas as an excuse to k*ll as many Palestinians as possible. I would also like to mention that some of the stories being pushed about Hamas by the US government (and other governments that are aligned closely with Israel) are false. On the internet, misinformation about what is going on in Israel and Palestine is spreading rapidly. We must stay alert and aware of what is misinformation and what is not.

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