name:: Lee/Neon or Leon/Tobias[Toby]
nickname:: L, Neo, Tobes, Leo, Sunny, rly whever iz cool as long as itz not weird
how old are you:: 16
zodiac sign:: Libra
current location:: at my desk in my room
eye color:: Brown, maybe a lighter brown?
hair color:: Dirty blond w/ bleached and neon green underlayer
hair type:: Sorta wavey, mainly just rly frizzy [can be fairly wavey when i take care of it tho]
hieght:: like 5'4 or smt
your heritage:: Irish Italian
what's your middle name:: Not gonna say my legal 1 cuz i h8 it and plan on changing it when i legally change my name to 'Lee' when im older, but ill probs change it to 'Nell'
shoe's you wore today:: Vans but they r slipp onz n r actually falling apart.
your weakness:: Shiny/colorful things [they r a weakness as they distract me]- ALSO MAYB RLY COOL EMO/PUNK/ALT PPL?!?
your fear:: Dr0wning, being knapped, my loved 1s being harmed
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: i dont think so?-
do you want to:: i dunno-:'] [id like to see my sister try to tho]
goal you would like to achieve this year:: its already October but id like to get on a real schedule, get caught up in school [and do well in sck] and also start playing piano again
first thought when you wake up:: idfk- probs smt like 'ah shitz itz to early' or 'where tf did squirrel [my dog] go?"
best physical feature:: I dunno- sum ppl say my face shape [idk wut it iz] or my hands[?] but i personally dunno
who is your bestest freind:: I'm actually not sure- id say sage[my online friend of like 6yrs] but tbh i dunno where i stand with her or my friend sid- and i dont have friends irl nor do i talk to any1 online much anymore- so i just dunno.
when is your bedtime:: Whenever my adhd mind lets me fall asleep- so i guess anywhere from 2-5am?
your most cherished memory:: Anything good with my older sister and my first concert [got 2 share that w her]
pepsi or coke:: Cokeeee
mc dondalds or burgerking:: Burger king [ i dont like either but bk nuggets are alr]
singel or group dates:: i dunno, so i guess it depends?
what is the last song you sang:: Either 'Last Best Popstars' by SDC or some All-Time Low song-
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: Yep- Hell yeah-
what is your biggest pet peeve:: Repeative and obnoxious noises that can get overwhelming [if that makes sense]- being talked over/just flat out ignored/exclude from a convo/put down
do you drink:: Maybee
ever been drunk:: Yep
do you smoke:: Nope [maybe]
do you "SMOKE":: Nah
do you sing:: Sumtimez when alone or at a concert
what color underwear do you have on:: This is just a weird question man- get fuckeddd-
do you want to go to college:: If i can then yes but i dont think ill be able to, and if i do i dunno what ill go for [maybe smt to do with photography but idk]
have you ever been in love:: Yep.
do you wnat to get married:: Maybe in the future but at the same time i dunno
do you believe in yourself:: Sumtimez
do you believe inothers:: Yep most the time
do you like thunderstorms:: Yep and Nah- i dont like thunder and the loud noises but lightning is cool and i rly like rain
do you play an instrument:: Yep! I can [or could] play piano and a tinyyy like very little bit of flute
what do you want to be when you grow up:: Im not sure, maybe a photographer or writer? or maybe something totally different, but as of now im not sure
what country would you like to visit:: Italy maybe? or Canada?.
how many CD's do you own:: Like 30-smt+
how many DVD's do you own:: I personally own maybe like 10 give or take but we have an family case. [I mostly collect and use VHS tapes as i have a small old tv that plays them]
how many tattoo's do you have:: None [i want a semi colin and maybe a funky doodle of my dog and maybe a tiny butterfly but im not sure]
how many piercings do yo have:: just my earz
how many things in the past do you regeret:: a shitz ton.
shoes:: My broke/dead azz marc echo high topz [they have clipz instead of lacez!] or mayb my neon sequin gotta flirt shoez?
radio station:: idk, like the local alt rock one?
drink:: Anything with caffeine and water [orange zero monster-]
car:: Old chevy trucks, my sister had/has one and ive alyways loved it
place:: My older sisters house, hot topic/the mall and mayb the consignment/thrift shoppp?
song:: Atm 'reckless and brave' by ATL and 'Party People' By SDC
movie:: TMNT- Mutant Mayhem n The Lost Boys
moment:: 2 many 2 list
color:: Neon green or rly any neon or bright colorz [ i luv bright colorz n also like weird shadez of green n blue] n black
meal:: idkkk i like live off of protine/meal replacement shakez cuz i h8 most foods atm [textures r ew lately] but mayb pesto chicken n potatoz
favorite eye color:: Idc rly
favorite hair color:: any, idrc [buttt itz cool when they have cool dyed hair-]
short or long hair:: Any rly?
height:: Around the same as me or taller
body type:: i actually rly dont gaf-
does ethnicity matter:: Nope not rly
piercings:: yepp-
tattoos:: yepp [idc if they do or dont but ykyk]
what is todays date:: 10/9/23
what time is it:: 12:32am
who are you thinking of:: old friends n my old crush/fwb that i havent been able to get in touch with 4 a long while.
what are you listening to:: my dogs freakin snoring cuz i forgot to turn bk on my music :\
do you love someone:: yep i guess
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: yeah its my freakin dog who is on my bed and snoring to loud
does someone love you:: im not sure, i think my sister does cuz yk shes my big sister but besides that im not sure [especially like romantically,like i highly doubt it ]
is it raining:: Nope- wish it would thoigh
how many myspace friends do you have:: uh maybe around 150+ give or take?
are you happy:: i dunno, i struggle w my feeling and maybe im happy but at the same time i just feel tired, bored n bleh-
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