You’ve probably never asked this in your life but the symbols for 0 to 9 come from the Hindu Arabic numeral system, which was invented during 1st to 4th century but was only adopted into Arabic maths in the 9th century. The western world took a while to get this update as it only started adopting it in the Middle Ages, which is why Europe at this time would refer to new maths concepts from this time as Indrorum that means method of the indians.
Interesting still, 0 wasn’t an actual number but a place holder value, basically like basic algebra before it was a thing so like for example, 2 + X would be written as 2 + 0. This was until this guy Brahmagupta came along and started using zero as we know it today as well as inventing the concept of negative numbers, he also did a lot of other very interesting stuff but that’s for another time
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