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Category: Quiz/Survey

NEWTYPE survey

1. Birthday?
    May 20th
2. Bloodtype?
    Not sure..?
3. Your height is?
4. Favorite color?
    Purple, like a lavender :)
5. Hobbies?
    Music, arts, writing. I've gotten into cooking recently too
6. Liberal arts? Sciences? Or are you more the athletic type?
    Liberal arts, humanities and the like. Sciences are fine too but something I have to study for
7. What's your best subject?
    Writing based classes, no matter the subject, I just really love it
8. What are your test scores like?
    I mostly sit around the B average, A's occasionally
9. Your dream for the future?
    Just to be comfortable with myself
10. Please describe your personality in no fewer than two words and no more than six.
    More or less easygoing.... I don't think my personality is particularly strong!
11. Please tell us what your strong and weak points are.
    My weakness is my indecision, I have this pretty bad habit of starting something up and never finishing it. But I'm good at listening to people and helping to make an agreement out of it
12. Favorite foods?
    Salty types of food! Sweet foods are a close second
13. Your least favorite foods?
    Gooey textured foods.... they make me kind of nauseous
14. After you wake up, what's the first thing you taste?
15. Morning person? Night person?
    Nightime, morning takes me too long to be fully awake.
16. Which do you prefer, baths or showers?
    Showers, but a bath is good every once in a while
17. When did you first fall in love? (And with whom?)
    I was 17. I wont give out the rest
18. Your greatest failure?
    The time I spent on people I couldn't help
19. How do you vent your frustrations?
    Take time to myself and not interact with others.
20. Who would you say is your personal hero?
    My mother, I feel I gained a lot of my morals from her
21. Indoor type? Outdoor type?
    Indoor, but I've become more comfortable outdoors as the years pass
22. What's in your wallet?
    My card and ID. A few miscellaneous odd gift cards or reward cards
23. Special skill?
     I'm easy to get along with
24. How do you commute to school?
    Carpool or train
25. When have you been glad to be your gender?
    It strikes me at random times of the day, or sometimes after I look in a mirror
26. What do you most want to eat right now?
    I just ate, so not much. I do have some strawberry milk in the fridge I've been saving though
27. Describe your ideal family situation.
    One with mutual trust amongst the whole family, no matter our differences
28. Favorite season?
    Spring. I don't have allergies, so pollen isn't a worry for me
29. Do you get up easily in the morning, or is it a struggle?
    It used to be a big struggle, but I've gotten better. Now it only takes 3 alarms...
30. How many hours of sleep do you get on average?
    Six or so
31. Your last dream?
    I was in jail for some reason..? I dont remember dreams well
32. How much time does it take you to get ready in the morning?
    30 minutes
33. Do you have anyone you admire?
    A lot of people are admirable I think, in their own ways. I've noticed a lot more people are stronger than you'd think
34. Please tell us how you spend your holidays.
    Mostly at home, I use it as time to catch up on things I like such as shows or games
35. Western food or Eastern food?
    I haven't had the opportunity to try much eastern food, but I'm pretty curious about it
36. If you could be born again, what would you like to be?
    Being a plant would be pretty nice wouldn't it? Living life without a care
37. What have you been really into lately?
    It's my first year of school I actually feel really invested to learning the material, like I look forward to class every week
38. Your favorite animal?
    Dogs, I've almost always had one, they're loyal and so sweet
39. Of the necessities for life (clothing, food, shelter), which is the most important?
    Shelter, I think you could get everything else if you had a solid shelter / base
40. Sorry to spring this on you, but what is love?
    Whatever you want it to be, but I think it comes down to a solid foundation of trust that doesn't even need a second thought
41. Please take a guess at what you'll be like 30 years from now.
    Probably still working, but maybe I'd be tired of it. I hope I'd never stop learning though
42. If you could travel through time, when would you return to?
    I dont think I would, knowing the past would change too much and knowing the future would scare me
43. Favorite book? (Or what magazines do you read frequently?)
    I actually don't read much, that's something I want to fix! I tried audiobooks but I think a solid book in your hand is the most impactful
44. Your preferred type of person?
    Well... I actually don't have any preference, it's kind of odd but there's no pattern at all
45. Is it better to devote yourself, or to have someone else devote themselves to you?
    Both would be good, but honestly its the former
46. Did you receive any Valentine's Day chocolate? How much?
    I haven't celebrated in years, but I get the on sale ones after it passes
47. What would you do with a million dollars?
    Pay off debts for myself and friends/family, probably online strangers too. But I've also always wanted a rhythm game arcade cabinet of any kind, my ultimate splurge choice
48. What type of person is the one closest to you?
    I tend to surround myself with very direct people, I don't like beating around the bush for things
49. We've already reached the forty-ninth question. Are you getting tired?
    A little, but it was fun!
50. What do you want for Christmas?
    I want more figures for my slowly growing collection....

A survey adapted from a 50 questions segment of NEWTYPE magazine, a Japanese magazine covering anime, originally interviewing characters Lelouch and Suzaku from Code Geass. It's a general 'about' survey. Most questions are the exact same with some changes to wording for a cleaner look, and question 48 being revamped due to originally being an in universe question asking the character's opinion on the other. Major thanks to rainfall-tumbles on tumblr for the original translation of the interview.

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Fawkes's profile picture

You prefer umami or sour salty flavors?

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