Josh 98's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

A-Z Survey about me!

A - Age?: 15
B - Best Friend?: Don't have one
C - Car You Drive?: don't drive yet
D - Day or Night?: Both
E - Easiest Person To Talk To? :My mom maybe?
F - Food (Favorite)?: Pasta
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms?: worms
H - Hair Color (Favorite)?: blonde but i have black
I - Ice Cream (Favorite)?: chocolate
J - Juice (Favorite)?: apple
K - Kids (Do You Have Any)?: hell no!
L - Longest Relationship?: never had a real one
M - Movie Last Watched?: 9/11 The heartland tapes
N - Name?: Josh
O - Outgoing?: sure
P - Pizza Toppings (Favorite)?: pepper and mushroom
Q - Quote (Favorite)?: Don't have one
R - Right-Handed or Left-Handed?: left
S - Season (Favorite)?: Fall
T - TV Show Last Watched?: Gilmore girls
U - University (Did You Go)?: not yet
V - Vacation (Last)?: Spain(2019)
W - Worst Habit?: pulling all-nighters
X - X-Rays (Ever Had Any)?: on my toe when i was a kid lmao
Y - Year You Were Born? 2008
Z - Zodiac Sign?: Capricorn

this was fun imma do another

4 Kudos


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Moi's profile picture

this is cool actually

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♱ Stevie

♱ Stevie's profile picture

stealing this x

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go ahead! i stole it aswell lol

by Josh 98; ; Report


JellieTaffy's profile picture

Oooooo I kinda wanna do one of these now lol

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u should!! they are so fun

by Josh 98; ; Report