I have some questions for conservative christians.

  • would god support humans having easier access to deadly weapons that could kill someone with the press of a trigger?
  • would god support discrimination of any kind (whether it'd be roma people, mexicans, LGBTQ, or even dream stans)?
  • is god completely against alcohol, or any kind of pleasuring activities?
  • would god support pedophilia if it comes from a catholic?
  • would god prefer huge wealth inequality over the distribution of needs to everyone (and would god support megachurches)?
  • would god allow anyone who is facing hardship where they live to cross borders (like the red sea) in order to seek hospitality?
These are some questions for you guys to really think about. I'm not trying to be all "I hate you guys", I'm just asking questions.

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Cheriq's profile picture

I have no answers, but wish to comment that it is refreshing to see some serious thinking on spacehey.

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Seth's profile picture

I won't answer these questions directly - because I'm not God, I don't know what his thought process is most of the time, and I won't act like I do. All I know about God is what's written in the Bible, in what I've read and pieced together.

All I know about God is that he made us, and he cares for us deeply - to the point that he outlined what behaviors would lead us to living unfulfilling lifestyles that would ultimately be bad for us. These behaviors are called "sin".

I also know that God knows (as well as I do) that none of us are perfect - that's why he opened the gates of Heaven to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, and the sacrifice that he made for all of mankind's sins on that cross 2000 years ago.

I don't know what your experiences with Religion, or Churches, or even other Christians have been like in the past, but your post comes off as latently hostile - in an angry sort of way. I don't point this out to try and put rats in your head - I'm just saying that I've talked to plenty of people who have been turned away from God, from his Divinity, from his Glory - because of the actions and ideas of Man.

No man on Earth is free of sin. You aren't, I'm not, and the pews in every Church are lined with sinners from all walks of life. The point is not to write off our sins as something that God would approve of - because I'm certain that he doesn't approve of our sins - the point is to understand that we are all sinners at the end of the day, and that were it not for God's mercy, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and his triumph over sin and death when he rose 3 days after his crucifixion - that it would be nearly impossible for most people to dwell in Heaven with God when their day comes.

I'm not a Catholic, I'm a Baptist - I'm not well learned, I can't quote much scripture, but if you have any questions I'd like to try my best to answer them.

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lucylovesjesus's profile picture

would god support humans having easier access to deadly weapons that could kill someone with the press of a trigger?

I mean, what would you say to people whose lives have been saved by these weapons? Plus, you need to specify what kind of firearm you're referencing.

would god support discrimination of any kind (whether it'd be roma people, mexicans, LGBTQ, or even dream stans)?


is god completely against alcohol, or any kind of pleasuring activities?

Yes.would god support pedophilia if it comes from a catholic?

No. That's a despicable sin to the highest extent.

would god prefer huge wealth inequality over the distribution of needs to everyone (and would god support megachurches)?

I mean if you're coming at this from a communist angle, you need to study how communism actually affects the lives of people. And churches are not exactly the highest recipients on capitalism's path.

would god allow anyone who is facing hardship where they live to cross borders (like the red sea) in order to seek hospitality?

If they do it legally, yes.

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