an about of just a person

(snatched this from ☆゚.*Mothra*.゚☆'s Profile | SpaceHey lol)

1. Last beverage:
Coffee...2 spoonfuls of sugar and plenty of creamer

2. Last phone call:
automated call from my local library saying a hold was ready

3. Last song you listened to:
"De Selby (Part 1)" by Hozier...or the entire Unreal Unearth album lmao

4. Last time you cried:
almost did 2 nights ago...actually cried mmm... maybe a few weeks ago

5. Have you dated someone twice:

6. Have you ever been cheated on:
there's a possibility but i aint contacting her to figure that out

7. Kissed someone & regretted it:
eh not rly (acearo vibes)

8. Have you lost someone special:

9. What are your three favorite colors:
PURPLE, any deep dark blue or deep dark green shade

10. Met someone who changed you in the past month:
in the past month? lol no. unless you count my therapist lmfao

11. Kissed anyone on your friends list:

12. How many kids do you want:
z e r o (again, acearo vibes)

13. Do you want any pets:
not any time soon (other than my parents' dogs), i dont got the money for that

14. Do you want to change your name:
i go by M in most places and would like to not have the deadname anymore but again..i dont have that money

15. What did you do for your last birthday:
best friend and i went to Luray Caverns ^u^ we got lotsa crystals and rocks as souvenirs lmfao

16. What time did you wake up today:
some time before 9:30am, but i didnt get outta bed till just after 10am

17. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
for my mental health to not be debilitating my every waking moment lmfao

18. Last time you saw your mother:
June 8-12 of this year. family reunion thing. shes in NY state for the summer

19. Most visited webpage:
Spacehey, gmail, ZipRecruiter (trying to find a new job rip)

20. Nicknames:
Popsicle, Spaghettio, Mango, Lemonade, Lemon, Melon, Sissy (bleh), Mini-me (from mom), Kit (given by Lady Freyja o.o), Seer (Lady Hekate always calls me this afhsjkg), ...theres a lotta others i dont know at the top of my head

21. Relationship status:
forever single

22. Zodiac sign:
Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon, Sagittarius Rising

23. Male or female:
Nonbinary/panflux (tl;dr u can call me literally whatever pronoun set u want but dont perceive me as literally anything. i am everything and nothing simultaneously)

24. Height:

25. Do you have a crush on someone:
lol no

26. Piercings:
2 piercings on each earlobe

27. Tattoos:
teeechnically 7 although they were done as one single piece (5 of my fav constellations, a sun underneath them, and a crescent moon on top)

28. Strong or Weak:
physically? weak but improving. mentally: h a

* ~ FIRSTS ~ *

29. First surgery:
None that i know of

30. First best friend:
i can't remember that far back...

31. First sport you joined:
did soccer as a toddler, judo as a 6-8 yr old

32. First vacation:
family visits to different states (michigan, arizona) when i was a toddler

33. First school:
MC Perry Primary School in Iwakuni, Japan (US Marine Corps base)

34. First pair of trainers:
"trainers" american cough sneakers says the american but uhhh sketchers probably


35. Lips or eyes:
def eyes, theyre the windows to the soul

36. Hugs or kisses:
neither i dont like touch

37. Shorter or taller:
oh def taller. better for cuddles

38. Older or younger:
neither, prefer closer to age

39. Romantic or spontaneous:
n o p e

40. Sensitive or loud:
emotions are better so sensitive ig

41. Hook-up or relationship:
relationship...if i was interested lol

42. Shy or outgoing:
both are fine


43. Kissed a stranger:

44. Gotten a speeding ticket:
surprisingly no

45. Lost glasses/contacts:
neither, but ive broken many glasses in the past

46. Sex on first date:

47. Broken someone's heart:
i dont think so

48. Been arrested:
thankfully no

49. Have you turned someone down:
mhm but solely cuz not interestedddd

50. Fallen for a friend:
not technically ig???

51. Moved out of town:
raised military kid so y e p on an avg of every 4 yrs

* ~ BELIEVE IN ~ *

52. Miracles:
depends on what spiritual path ur getting the term "miracles" from. things can happen for a reason, sure, cuz science but sometimes things happen in the world and u just have to sit there like "how is that even possible"

53. Love at first sight:
lol nope

54. Heaven:
i believe that whatever afterlife u believe in is what you go to when u die. so ig technically, it aint my place tho

55. Santa Claus:
grew up never believing in him

56. Kiss on the first date:
maybe only on the kiss ig

57. Angels:
i suppose so? they havent proven themselves to me so idk

58. Yourself:


59. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:

60. Been in love with someone you couldn't be with?:

61. Ever cheated on somebody:

62. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?:
as far back as early childhood so i can have the memories back i cant remember shit

63. Are you afraid of falling in love:
not rly i'd just rather not

64. Was your last relationship a mistake?
i dont think so we both fell out of love with one another but the connection was there for a little while at least

65. Do you miss your last relationship?
eh not really. shes getting married so im happy she found her forever person ^u^

66. Who did you last say “i love you” to?
my dad i guess

67. Have you ever been depressed?
i am Chronically Depressed forever and ever lmfao

68. Are you insecure?
define insecure-. but lol not in the full definition but maybe on partially

69. How do you want to die?
should i answer that as a depressed person-

70. Do you bite your nails?
oh absolutely, its a terribly habit

71. When was your last physical fight?
i sadly have never been in one and i want someone to pick a fight s o goddamn bad i wanna let loose SO BAD

72. Do you have an attitude?
i can be a bitch if need be

73. Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
i dont like most spaghetti noodles, but if its ramen then yes, twirl and slurp

74. Do you tan a lot?
i burn and then freckle-

75. Ever eaten food in a car while someone or you are driving?
oh absolutely. esp while driving. takes a lotta practice but its doable

76. Ever made out in a bathroom?
nope dont think so

77. Would you take any of your exes back?
oh definitely not lol

78. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?

79. What are your plans for this weekend?
Work (gross)

80. Do you type fast?
relatively? i think last i checked maybe 100 words or so per minute

81. Can you spell well?
yes but i keep having to spellcheck with certain words... like ocassionally. *occasionally

82: What are you craving right now?
Mental Wellbeing

83. Have you ever been on a horse?
nope i dont like heights afhgjk

84. Would you live with someone without marrying them?
if its a roommate yes??

85. What’s irritating you right now?
The entire universe and how fucked up our planet is and how dumb all these politicians are that they cant see our planet is literally dying/trying to kill us

86. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?

87. Does somebody love you?
my friends and parents

88. Have you ever changed clothes in a car?

89. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?

90. Do you have trust issues?
oh absolutely its called T r a u m a

91. Longest relationship?
1 week shy of 1 yr

92: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
maybe every now and then? like a "i wonder how theyre doing" sorta thing. but not in any other way ig

93. Have you ever walked outside in your PJs?
my pjs consist of a baggy tshirt and gym shorts so yea lol

94. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
for the most part, u still gotta put the effort in tho. manifestation cant happen unless you yourself try to make it happen

95. Did you have dream last night?
always i never rly remember them tho. it ended with me trapping a snake for some reason tho

96. Have you ever been out of state?
countless times sadly

97. Do you play the Wii?

98. Do you like Chinese food?
sorta ig, its not my go-to

99. Are you afraid of the dark?
not the dark itself, but whatever tf is hiding in it. creepy fucks

100. Is cheating ever okay?
absolutely the fuck not. unless its homework. then i say fuck it

101. What year has been your best?
too depressed to even know that answer

102. Do you believe in true love?
not for me but ig?

103. Favorite weather?
partly cloudy skies, about mid-70 degrees Fahrenheit with just a liiiiittle bit of wind/breeze

104. Do you like the snow?
mmm aesthetically yes, i h a t e the cold tho

105. Do you like the outside?
i want to but Bugs Exist

106. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
ew no

107. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?
not that i recall

108. What makes you happy?
my favorite topics (like SPACE), cute animals (FOXESSSSS), my friends being happy, dumb stupid dad jokes, probably other things but i am not awake enough to figure it out

109. Ever been to Alaska?
no but i want to

110. Ever been to Hawaii?
no because my ancestors are fckn colonists and i aint being that One White Person. would love to ig but not now, not when its on fire.

111. Do you watch the news?
no watching the news has given me second-hand trauma from all the bad shit happening in the world. most of the newsworthy stuff i get firsthand from tiktoks

112. Do you love MTV?
nah, wasn't my thing

113. Do you like subway?
not anymore, they got rid of my fav oven roasted chicken patties...

114. Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?

115. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
laugh bc if they were my bsf theyd know im acearo

116. Why did you decide to do this quiz?
boredom and procrastination

117. Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?
oh all the goddamn time its fckn Awkward social situations are awkward as hell

118. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
there is no one of the "opposite" sex im nonbinary but yea essentially

119. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
any of my friends, biological sex tho my dad ig

120. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my friends

121. Ever bought condoms?

122. Ever gotten pregnant?

123. Have you ever slipped on ice?
lmfao yeahhhh

124 Have you ever missed the bus?
oh yea, it fills me with so much anxiety

125. Have you left the house without money?
sadly yes

126. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
i used to, havent touched one in over 3 yearssss. fckn bless

127. Have you ever smoked a cigar?

128. Did you ever drink alcohol?
yup occasionally. not as often as i used to

129. Did you ever watch “The Breakfast Club”?
its on my list i swearrrr

130. Have you ever been overweight?
the opposite :')

131. Ever been to a wedding?
when i was reaaally little i think

132. Ever been in a wedding?
no ig unless u count the above time bc i was the flower girl as a toddler

133. Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
once spent over 6hrs straight playing minecraft and ended up getting a pinched nerve in my shoulder. woops

134. Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?
when that good ol' depression hits its such a vibe

135. Ever kissed in the rain?

136. Did you ever shower with someone else?
i think i did i forgot

137. Did you ever fail a driver’s test?
not a driver's test, but my permit test took me 3 times

138. Ever been outside your home country?
yup, when i was a tiny bitty kid

139. Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours?

140. Ever been to a professional sports game?

141. Have you ever broken a bone?
unless u count teeth, then no

142. Did you ever win a trophy in your life?

143. Ever get engaged?

144. Have you ever been on a diet?

145. Have you ever been on TV?
probably not that im aware of

146. Ever ridden in a taxi?

147. Ever been to prom?
yea it sucked ass

148. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more?
i try to if im bored but it doesnt last long

149. Have you ever been to a concert?
two of em

150. Have you ever had a crush on someone at work?
ew no

151. Have you ever been in a car accident?
mhm... totaled my first car 1 week after buying it from my parents...

152. Ever had braces?
nah but i probably need them

153. Did you ever learn another language?
i know some japanese and some french

154. Do you wear make-up?
only if im going out places

155. Did you ever have your wisdom teeth taken out?
nope not yet

156. Did you ever kiss someone a different race than yourself?

157. Ever dyed your hair?
yup its dyed rn lol

158. Did you ever wear someone else’s clothes?
i get hand-me-downs all the time if that counts

159. Ever ridden in an ambulance?

160. Ever ridden in a helicopter?
i wish

161. Ever caught the stove on fire?

162. Ever meet someone famous?

163. Ever been on an airplane?

164. Ever been on a boat?
once a very long time ago

165. Ever broken something expensive?
oh i wouldnt doubt it

166. Did you ever kiss someone before you were 14?

167. Did you ever find something valuable on the ground?
unless you count cash, then no

1 Kudos


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