Have you ever loved someone so much that you start to lose a grip on reality? I have. This is going to be long, so stick with me.
About a year and a half ago, I met someone who made me laugh and became a close friend to me and other alters in my system. Now they're my lover and mean more than anything to me. The thing is, we both would fit under the Kosa (s. 1409. 90) bill.
I urge you to sign petitions, call your senate, vote, email, call, do anything to stop this bill.
It sounds all find and dandy, who wouldn't want to protect kids? Put yourself in someone else's shoe's, mine for example.
You've been with this person for over a year, someone you can finally trust after years of relationship trauma, having lovers online dragged away from you, having to lie to lovers that you hate them. So, Much, Shit. and you finally find someone you can be happy with, and you ARE happy with for a full year and a half.
Then you find out about a bill that would let your mom find out about about. everything.
You would lose them, and probably any and every way to contact them.
This is my fear. I'm begging anyone who reads this to please help. Do absolutely anything you can. There are kids around the world who are in the same place as me, This bill will cause thousands of kids to end their lives. Not to mention the effect it will have on adults.
The people who have made this bill are heavily homo/transphobic. If it weren't obvious enough, the bill will cause regulation/ban for EVERYONE, This includes people over 18. Sites like Tumblr, Twitter, Wattpad, discord, pinterest, Character.ai, spacehey, AO3, Tiktok, every internet browser, Reddit, and more will now have full access to what you view, and can ban/delete/report you at anytime. To confirm your age you will be REQUIRED to upload a photo of identification, opening you to any kind of hacking at all times regardless of use of a VPN.
Not to mention they plan to ban anything that has to do with grooming or anything that they don't really agree with, that means all the sites/apps i have listed will be banned, or removed. Not just regulated, removed.
You can also think of sites like Youtube, Youtube isn't going to take the time to age restrict MILLIONS of videos?! They will remove them.
The entire internet will be made kid-friendly for everyone. Afterall, kid's can't see something if it's not there.
This is the problem. Not only will the suicide rate spike, the internet as a whole will never be safe, everything will be age restricted, and any site that has anything LGBTQ on it will be removed. You would think people would be smart enough to see this but since it's advertised to "save the children" people are following it blindly.
It's passed the senate floor, the president has sponsored the bill, we are running out of time.
Please. Stop. The Kosa Bill.
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