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Category: Quiz/Survey

a bunch of new people r adding me so i'm doing this :p


name: olive [i didn't pick my own name don't ask me anything]

nickname: liv

how old are you: 15

zodiac sign: pisces sun, virgo moon, virgo rising

current location: california 

eye color: orangey brown

hair color: brown, left over black dye

hair type: kind of curly, mostly wavy, i straighten it though

height: 5' 5 ish a lil taller

your heritage: tejano and a bunch of different white

what's your middle name: louise!

shoe's you wore today: converse one stars

your weakness: the candle aisle, money, situations by escape the fate.

your fear: spiders, being perceived, being embarrassed 

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: no

do you want to: maybe 

goal you would like to achieve this year: making more friends/being nicer

first thought when you wake up: i literally don't think, my brain is a chicken cutlet floating around in diet coke

best physical feature: my eyes or eyebrows

when is your bedtime: i go to bed at like 5 am

your most cherished memory: all of them, mostly time spent with my mom or my friends, 

pepsi or coke: diet coke

mc donalds or burgerking: neither

single or group dates: single

what is the last song you sang: save yourself, i'll hold them back

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: depends, if they play acoustic only, no. if they mainly play electric, yes.

what is your biggest pet peeve: slow walkers, loud chewers, sweaty people, people who moan when they eat, general jerks, i could literally go on forever. 

do you drink: when i get the chance, yeah

ever been drunk: yes

do you smoke: no

do you "SMOKE": what do you mean by "SMOKE" 

do you sing: i incredibly unfortunately do theater 

do you want to go to college: yes

have you ever been in love: yes

do you want to get married: maybe

do you believe in yourself: depends 

do you believe in others: depends 

do you like thunderstorms: no

do you play an instrument: no

what do you want to be when you grow up: actor, but i like having money, so something that makes a lot money. 

what country would you like to visit: mexico or japan

how many CD's do you own: 20, i have jaws of life by ptv duplicates though 

how many DVD's do you own: none

how many tattoo's do you have: 5 really faded over bad stick n pokes

how many piercings do yo have: just my ears

how many things in the past do you regret: a whole bunch :3


shoes: my uggs or my really beat up converse

radio station: i don't listen to the radio 

drink: diet coke or peach sweat tea

car: pink subaru baja

place: the mall

song: our lady of sorrows by mcr

movie: mean girls or rushmore

moment: i blackout during literally everything i enjoy doing

color: pink, green, purple, red, black

meal: sushi or bagels and cream cheese


what is todays date: monday july 24, 2023

what time is it: 3:56 am

who are you thinking of: this one guy, frank iero, gerard way

what are you listening to: different names for the same things by death cab for cutie

do you love someone: yes

do you know where your mechanical bull is: the world is my mechanical bull  

does someone love you: yes

is it raining: no

how many myspace friends do you have: shit like 17 

are you happy: i could be happier

3 Kudos


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