Clara 's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

Aaaaaghh another Survey. Nnooooooo!!

1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? red wine
2. Do you sleep in the nude? do you want the Naked truth?! ;)

3. Worst physical pain in your life? Miscarrying...

4. Favorite place(s) you have been? Venice, Madeira, Malta

5. How late did you stay up last night? 1.30am

6. If you could move somewhere else, Where? Down South; Eastbourne or Dorset.

7. Which of your Spacehey/online friends lives the closest to you?

8. When was the last time you cried? I can find something to ball about virtually every other day.

9. Who took your profile picture? not applicable at present, but it would usually be my S.O
10. What's your favorite season? Summer

11. If you could have any career what would it be? A comedy writer
12. What was the last book you read? Tony Hadleigh's biography, lead singer of Spandeu Ballet

13. If you could talk to ANYONE right now, who would it be? My Mum

14. Are you a good influence? But of course!

15. Does pineapple belong on pizza? not for me

16. You have the remote, what would you be watching ? I rarely watch TV. YouTube is my 'go to' for all sorts of things. Intrigued by out of body or near death experiences, Alien info, anything mysterious or paranormal.
17. 2 people who you think will play? Definitely the Queen of Surveys - Glam Cat, and maybe Ember Ashes ? anyone who feels inclined.
18.Last concert: Bon Jovi - or was it Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Actually I think it was Prince.

19. Favorite type of food? Anything spicy
20. Afraid of anything? Snakes, heights, enclosed spaces, the darkness

21. Wine or Beer? I like both but prefer wine

22.Next trip? Spain in August

23. What’s to your left? My bedside cabinet

24. Do aliens exist? I believe so, Yes

25. Did you suck your thumb? Lol I can't remember!
Ok friends, copy and paste and change the answers!

2 Kudos


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Aaron's profile picture

I'm really interested in UFOs and ghosts because I've had multiple encounters with both. Mostly in the 90s and 00s, it hasn't happened in a while. Most people who haven't seen them think I'm likely crazy or hallucinating, but when you see them for yourself, you know they're something more than just imaginary. Unfortunately, I rarely tell people about my encounters because it usually makes people think less of me, like they think I might be lying or exaggerating or just hallucinating.

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Ooh! I know. I relate, I kept my encounters to myself for years... at the time I was almost questioning my own sanity when I saw a UFO when I was a teenager, on a local park. It was daytime, It came down at an angle with such terrific speed, silently, I was shocked, but intrigued. I quickened my pace to get a better look, but after a few moments it took off in the same direction it came; it was the speed and silence that got me. It was pale grey. And as you say, the encounters, experiencing - I won't say ghosts, it was my Dad's 'energy' I felt, not long after he passed over to the other side. I'd gone over to his house to feed his cat that was still there. I just went upstairs into his bedroom and the cat was sat on his bed purring; I felt a brightness, warmth, as if he was smiling... I was looking around the room, half expecting to see him, it was a surreal moment. Amazing, and helped me accept his death, in that it isn't the end... Just a different/higher dimension when we leave this earthly life :)
I've had other encounters with Spirit. So yeah, we're not alone! Lol
There is so much evidence out there, lots of stuff on youtube, film etc.

by Clara; ; Report

Sweet! I'm glad you had those encounters that's a good ufo encounter and kinda similar to mine. I'll have to type it up for you, and some of my spirit encounters too. Awe, I'm so glad you felt that spirit love from your dad. One of my stories involves my dad, although I didn't see or feel anything. Instead, he had a psychic give me a detailed message about an item he wanted me to retrieve from his girlfriend's house that I didn't even know he owned. It was a gun. When I asked his girlfriend about it, she said yes the psychic was correct but she had already pawned it. There's a little more to that story, I'll have to type it all up, but yes it sure helps, knowing there's more to life and death/transitioning to the other side.

by Aaron; ; Report

Sounds very interesting. Yes, great idea, type it up and put them into your blog and save your encounters. I'd be interested to read :)

by Clara; ; Report

I'm definitely going to type a few of my stories up. Hopefully next week. But yeah I'll be sure to let you know :)

by Aaron; ; Report

Cheers, great! :)

by Clara; ; Report