2hardcore's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

intro / about me💪🏾💪🏾

name: Sherri=D

nickname: Cherri 😭

how old are you: 14 ^_^

zodiac sign: pisces ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ

current location: phoenix X_X

eye color: amber

hair color: brown + red highlights

hair type:  originally curly but i over straightened it:'(

height: 5' 7

your heritage: Jamaican and French

what's your middle name: Aniyah

shoe's you wore today: crocs😭

your weakness: money🤷🏽‍♀️

your fear: being hunted by a demonic being or the backrooms😭

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: yep

do you want to: i def would again

goal you would like to achieve this year: lose wieght

first thought when you wake up: why

best physical feature: face

when is your bedtime: i never sleep b4 3 idk why 

your most cherished memory: i dont think i have one tbh

pepsi or coke: dr pepper fr

mc dondalds or burgerking: dominos

single or group dates: Single

what is the last song you sang: manarexic - scarling

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: definitely

what is your biggest pet peeve: Slow walkers

do you drink: yes😍

ever been drunk: yes😊

do you smoke: No but i take edibles like daily

do you "SMOKE": No 😭

do you sing: yesss

do you want to go to college: idk tbh

have you ever been in love: still am^_^

do you want to get married: yes

do you believe in yourself: eeeehhhh

do you believe in others: eeeeehhhhh

do you like thunderstorms: no!

do you play an instrument: Im learning base

what do you want to be when you grow up: Supermodel, or lead singer in band 

what country would you like to visit: paris

how many CD's do you own: none:'(

how many DVD's do you own: none

how many tattoo's do you have: none yet

how many piercings do yo have: only my ears i had snake bites but the holes closed🙂🔫

how many things in the past do you regret: A LOT


shoes: i dont have any good ones bruh

radio station: I don't listen to the radio 

drink: Ice cold water

car: hmmm

place: the dream realm fr

song: how i feel - la dispute

movie: girl interrupted

moment: when my bands famous fr

color: red, black, purple, hot pink

meal: spaghetti fr


what is todays date: Friday, July 21, 2023

what time is it: 12: 57

who are you thinking of: myself

what are you listening to: 100% - angelspit

do you love someone: i love alot of ppl

do you know where your mechanical bull is: no 😭

does someone love you: Id hope so😭

is it raining: no its hot asf tho fr

how many myspace friends do you have: 23:'(

are you happy: hmmm

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weirdhouseplant's profile picture

hell yeah, crocs are the best B)

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