THE problem with SH/TCA online comunity

TW: SH, TCA, Su1c1d3, bad english.

Note: i'm a spanish spaker and i'm not using traslator, my english isn't the greatest so if u see ortografic erros horrors pls tell me, now we can start

 OK, Let's have this conversation


Hello, i'm Marcus better known as Mar calls 911, in this blog I want to talk about a problematic I see very comon in social media, a problematic thats is killing people and ruin lives...


In the next cases we can see the same big problem in 3 comunitys normally relacionated, the problem is the no regulations in social media and the danger in expose mental illness people to people with mental illness too without regulations or supervision and how that can get worse the situations of so much people...


a few days ago i see someone in tik tok use the term "baby cut's" and saying the people that no cut themselfs so far are not cuting ""ENOUGH"" I THINK WE ALL CAN SEE WHAT'S BAD WITH THIS. the coments aren't better, so much "ME" "yes, that people don't know what's real sh" "they do it for trend" but no one's "this is inciting that people with sh make themselfs worse sh"... this is a real problem, forums, servers, groups, dedicated in totally to give tips for worse scars, worse hurts... this is not ok, these are not groups to share sh experiences and tips to leave it, these are for destroy the skin and the brain of everyone that enter.


Ok, this is more personal to me bc i have tca more especificaly bulimia and i'm triying very hard to go out of there, i get exposed to people with tca too so i can talk about this for fist hand, this groups just talks about fast, they have a competition feling about who can spend more time without eating, who can lose weight faster, obsesed with diets, with sick standars of what is skinny and what isn't, toxic coments about their bodys...


To end i just want to talk about people with su1c1d4l tendencies, is sad see the forums full of people saying their last words, sharing who metod they use to d13, how to d13 faster, that places are dark.. if u want to help they ban you or say is incorrect try to give they a solution to they problem and the only solution is d13 also sh in insane levels...

4 MY personal experience

Ok i say i have tca, and i get exposed to this forums and chats of this, and i have a friend who is exposed and a active member of sh and tca groups, him get bad, he every day just talks about him body, how to be more skinny, how to end in bones, about how to sh himself worse, about his scars, about how he cut more than he needs and be close to d13, it was hurting me. see how my friend of a life just transform into a sick person who his life is about sh and tca, i get worse too, i feel that my problems are not that bad and i have no right to felling bad, i have a bf and he worried so much about my friend that he stopped paying attentio to me, and when my friend, who had several suicide attempts, tried again my bf didn't talk about anything else, he didn't spend time with me, and when i have my suicide attempt he tell me he gonna hate me if i do and in 5 minutes return to talk about my friend... i think this doesn't have so much to do with groups, but this experience made me worse in many aspects of my health, if u are reading this and u have any of this problems, pls, get help, don't go to this forums, don't comparate yourself with others, you can do it, you can be better and leave your problems back.

mar calls 911 - 2023 

6 Kudos


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