SoaringMoon's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

Survey #1


1. Last beverage - Moutain Dew Thrashed Apple,

2. Last phone call - Doctor's appointment,

3. Last song you listened to: - Some song on a spacehey profile,

4. Last time you cried: - July 3rd 2023

5. Have you dated someone twice: - Yes, it was a mistake.

6. Have you ever been cheated on: - Many times.

7. Kissed someone & regretted it: - A couple of times.

8. Have you lost someone special: - Yes.

9. What are your three favorite colors: - White, seafoam green/mint, and lavender, in that order.

10. Met someone who changed you in the past month: - Not really.

11. Kissed anyone on your friends list: - Nope.

12. How many kids do you want: - None.

13. Do you want any pets: - I already feel like I own other people's pets. Not particularly.

14. Do you want to change your name: - No.

15. What did you do for your last birthday: - Wrote the first few chapters of my first book.

16. What time did you wake up today: - 7:30pm EST

17. Name something you CANNOT wait for: - Bethesta's Starfield to come out.

18. Last time you saw your mother: - I can't remember ever meeting my mother, although I must have seen her at some point in my first few years alive.

19. Most visited webpage: - Youtube, followed by 4chan. Probably not healthy.

20. Nicknames: - SoaringMoon, Soaring, Sori, Squeakers McSqueakington the 3rd.

21. Relationship status: - Single.

22. Zodiac sign: - Leo.

23. Male or female: - Male.

24. Height: - 5' 10" (177cm)

25. Do you have a crush on someone: - Not currently.

26. Piercings: - None.

27. Tattoos: - None.

28. Strong or Weak: - Definitely not as strong as I would like to be.


29. First surgery: - I think it was something to do with my crotch when I was 3. XD

30. First best friend: - Emily Westbrook.

31. First sport you joined: - Badminton.

32. First vacation: - Going up to where I now live to see family.

33. First school: - Pre-school, can't remember the name, but I remember the place.

34. First pair of trainers: - I was going to make a pokemon joke, but this is all you are getting out of me at 3am.


35. Lips or eyes: - Lips.

36. Hugs or kisses: - Hugs.

37. Shorter or taller: - Shorter.

38. Older or younger: - Younger. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I really don't want to date older than me. Feels weird.

39. Romantic or spontaneous: - Romantic, but spontaneous is okay.

40. Sensitive or loud: - Sensitive.

41. Hook-up or relationship: - Relationship.

42. Shy or outgoing: - Shy, introvert.


43. Kissed a stranger: - If you talk to them for an hour do they still count as a stranger? If so, yes.

44. Gotten a speeding ticket: - Nope, don't drive.

45. Lost glasses/contacts: - Despite wearing glasses my entire life, I have never lost a pair.

46. Sex on first date: - Once, it turned out fine.

47. Broken someone's heart: - A couple of times, and I felt horrible every time.

48. Been arrested: - Technically, yes, however they let me go imediately because the arrest was a misunderstanding

49. Have you turned someone down: - Several times, all online relationship offers, never in person.

50. Fallen for a friend: - Yep.

51. Moved out of town: - Many, many times.


52. Miracles: - No.

53. Love at first sight: - Sometimes.

54. Heaven: - No.

55. Santa Claus: - No.

56. Kiss on the first date: - I've done it every time, never seen a problem with it.

57. Angels: - No.

58. Yourself: - Oh yesss.


59. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: - No, I leave my partners if it gets to that point.

60. Been in love with someone you couldn't be with?: - Yes.

61. Ever cheated on somebody: - No, I'd rather leave my current partner before starting something new.

62. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: - Depends if I get to keep my memories. If not, going back in time is pointless because I will repeat the same mistakes. If I get to keep my memories, then I will go as far back as I am able, because I get to keep all of my current knowledge of the future for free. Any other answers are wrong.

63. Are you afraid of falling in love: - No.

64. Was your last relationship a mistake?: - Not at all.

65. Do you miss your last relationship?: -  Yes.

66. Who did you last say “i love you” to?: - Someone who isn't a family member? My ex. Otherwise, my dad.

67. Have you ever been depressed?: - I'm always depressed. XD

68. Are you insecure?: - Nope.

69. How do you want to die?: - I would rather not die.

70. Do you bite your nails?: - Yes.

71. When was your last physical fight?: - First year of college. Although, I've had friendly but full contact sparing matches after that.

72. Do you have an attitude?: - What kind of fucking is that supposed to mean?

73. Twirl or cut your spaghetti?: - Twirl.

74. Do you tan a lot?: - Nope.

75. Ever eaten food in a car while someone or you are driving?: - Many times.

76. Ever made out in a bathroom?: - I've fucked one of my bound ex's in a bathroom.

77. Would you take any of your exes back?: - Particular ex's sure.

78. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?: - Again. If I get to keep my memories, yes. If not, no.

79. What are your plans for this weekend?: - Game development, playing video games, watching movies, and writting.

80. Do you type fast?: - Quite.

81. Can you spell well?: - W-E-L. Easy.

82. What are you craving right now?: - Currently, nothing. Usually meat.

83. Have you ever been on a horse?: - A couple of time.

84. Would you live with someone without marrying them?: - Yes.

85. What’s irritating you right now?: - The formatting I am doing for this questionare in

86. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?: - Yes.

87. Does somebody love you?: - I'm sure someone does.

88. Have you ever changed clothes in a car?: - Yes.

89. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?: - I like both equally.

90. Do you have trust issues?: - Yes.

91. Longest relationship?: - 3 years.

92. Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?: - Probably, although I'm not sure how she feels.

93. Have you ever walked outside in your PJs?: - I don't wear PJ's. Have I ever walked outside in just boxers? Nope.

94. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: - No.

95. Did you have dream last night?: - Yes, it was very strange. What it was exactly, I can't remember.

96. Have you ever been out of state? - Many times.

97. Do you play the Wii?: - I've "played" the wii.

98. Do you like Chinese food?: - Love it.

99. Are you afraid of the dark?: - No.

100. Is cheating ever okay?: - No.

101. What year has been your best?: - 2021 probably, maybe 2016 before that.

102. Do you believe in true love?: - Yes.

103. Favorite weather?: - Rain.

104. Do you like the snow?: - Not really.

105. Do you like the outside?: - No, I hate life. XD

106. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?: - Ehh, they can say whatever they want.

107. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?: - Many times.

108. What makes you happy?: - Food mostly. Followed by recognition for my creative work.

109. Ever been to Alaska?: - Nope.

110. Ever been to Hawaii?: - Also, no.

111. Do you watch the news?: - Not the kind most people do I assure you.

112. Do you love MTV?: - MTV is okay.

113. Do you like subway?: - Delicious.

114. Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?: - Not at all.

115. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?: - Date them.

116. Why did you decide to do this quiz?: - Because I like answering questions.

117. Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?: - Yes. XD

118. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?: - A couple of them yeah.

119. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?: - My roommate's GF, and a friend about 3 hours ago.

120. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?: - I have deep conversations with my friends almost constantly.

121. Ever bought condoms?: - Yes.

122. Ever gotten pregnant?: - I'm male, but I have been told I have gotten a girl pregnant. Although, I never saw any evidence of that claim.

123. Have you ever slipped on ice?: - A couple of times.

124. Have you ever missed the bus?: - A couple of times.

125. Have you left the house without money?: - Yes, but thankfully it's never been a problem, and I always pay people back.

126. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?: - Never.

127. Have you ever smoked a cigar?: - Also, never.

128. Did you ever drink alcohol?: - I do occasionally, but I have never been drunk.

129. Did you ever watch “The Breakfast Club”?: - Yes, I didn't like it.

130. Have you ever been overweight?: - Yes.

131. Ever been to a wedding?: - Many.

132. Ever been in a wedding?: - Yes.

133. Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: - I spent 12 hours a day or more using a computer.

134. Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?: - Oh yeah, easy to do when bingeing anime.

135. Ever kissed in the rain?: - Yes.

136. Did you ever shower with someone else?: - Yes.

137. Did you ever fail a driver’s test?: - Nope, although I've never taken the physical one.

138. Ever been outside your home country?: - No.

139. Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours?: - Many.

140. Ever been to a professional sports game?: - A couple.

141. Have you ever broken a bone?: - Yes, my leg in 3 places.

142. Did you ever win a trophy in your life?: - I've won many awards, none of them that really matter though.

143. Ever get engaged?: - Nope.

144. Have you ever been on a diet?: - Yes.

145. Have you ever been on TV?: - I think so, but I don't have footage of it.

146. Ever ridden in a taxi?: - Yes.

147. Ever been to prom?: - Nope.

148. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more?: - Many times. I once stayed up for 96 hours.

149. Have you ever been to a concert?: - Nope.

150. Have you ever had a crush on someone at work?: - I've had a couple of crushes on co-workers, most of which I knew before we started working together.

151. Have you ever been in a car accident?: - ;__; I have been in 10 car accidents.

152. Ever had braces?: - Nope.

153. Did you ever learn another language?: - No, but I have made another language.

154. Do you wear make-up?: - No.

155. Did you ever have your wisdom teeth taken out?: - They are still there, and need to be removed.

156. Did you ever kiss someone a different race than yourself?: - Yes.

157. Ever dyed your hair?: - Nope.

158. Did you ever wear someone else’s clothes?: - Yes.

159. Ever ridden in an ambulance?: - Several times.

160. Ever ridden in a helicopter?: - Against my will.

161. Ever caught the stove on fire?: - Nope.

162. Ever meet someone famous?: - A couple, mostly voice actors.

163. Ever been on an airplane?: - I've flown an airplane. I have 16 flight hours.

164. Ever been on a boat?: - Yes.

165. Ever broken something expensive?: - Yeah, and I still feel bad about it.

166. Did you ever kiss someone before you were 14?: - Yes.

167. Did you ever find something valuable on the ground?: - Money, all of the time.

2 Kudos


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