BecuzCody's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

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100 questions 4 100 friends

What is your name?: cody 

If you could change your name, would you? What to?: master chief jk 

What age are you?: 19 

Would you rather be a different age? If so, what do you think would change?: 21. obvious reasons 

Are you male or female?: male 

Have you ever wished to be the opposite gender, even just for a day?: i dunno not really 

When's your birthday?: not telling you 

Where were you born?: u.s.a. 

Do you still live where you were born? If not, where do you live?: no i moved around a lot but rn i'm on the east coast

Do you like where you live? Do you ever want to move away?: i like where i live for school but not coming home 

What is your sexual orientation? Did you decide or did you just know?: straight

Are you in a relationship right now?: no, happily. 

Is there anything you would change about your relationship?: no 

If single, do you want to be in a relationship?: no 

Favourites : 

What is your favourite colour?: green 

What's your favourite food?: crab rangoon 

What's your favourite 'type' of food? (Indian, Chinese, etc): chinese 

What's your favourite natural scent? (Cut grass, flowers, etc): pine trees 

What's your favourite man made scent? (Perfume, etc): hardware store 

What's your favourite movie? Favourite genre of movie?: right now akira but it changes. i like action & blood, so mostly horror 

What's your favourite band? Favourite genre of music?: sonic youth. i dunno i like a lot but noise rock and industrial mostly 

What's your favourite thing to do to pass the time?: smoke or read

Favourite mode of transport?: subway cause it has the added bonus of weird interactions with strangers

Favourite instrument? (To play or hear. Both if different): guitar for both 

Your Stance in Popular Debates : 

Do you think abortion should be illegal or legal? Always or just sometimes?: legal always 

(For instance, if the baby and Mother might die during birth, etc) 

Should the Father get a say in the matter? We're still on abortion here xP: nope

What are your feelings on war?: complicated 

Should gay people be allowed to marry and adopt?: duh 

What are your thoughts on teenage pregnancy? How young is too young?: pregnancy bad. procreation immoral. 

What do you think about capital punishment?: stupid & achieves nothing 

Testing on animals : Gross or fine?: very gross 

Should education be better or should kids just get on with it?: education should be better. the school system is beyond fucked 

Do you think we should limit the amount of children people can have?: yes the limit should be 0 

Should we adopt instead of having kids ourselves?: yes 

Should marijuana be made legal? What about other drugs?: yes 100%, shrooms maybe 

What do you think about underage drinking, smoking, etc?: who cares just be responsible 

You personally : 

How much alcohol do you consume weekly? Would you change this?: i really only drink socially so typically weekends

Do you smoke? How often?: every day 

Do you tend to sleep with people you aren't dating?: i have before but i don't make it a habit 

Have you ever smoked marijuana? Do you still?: every day 

What about 'harder' drugs?: psychedelics are cool, nothing else tho 

Do you tend to socialise with people who are similar to what you said above: yep smoke circles form friendships 

For instance, if you drink a lot, all your friends are drinkers too. Do you feel your friends influence your decisions in any way? How so?: nope

Random Personality Questions : 

Do you daydream a lot? Anything in particular?: a lot, just to distract myself. uhhh movies and games and fantasy shite

Do you usually remember your dreams?: no, which sucks. wish i did. when i take t breaks my dreams get crazy af tho 

Do people often say "Ew, too much information!" to you? xP: no 

Do you prefer having friends who are similar or different to you?: mix of both but generally similar 

Will you talk to absolutely anyone or do you usually keep to yourself?: keep to myself 8 times out of 10 

Do you usually go for a certain 'type' of person? (In romance or friendship): stoners and cool people 

Do you believe your horoscope?: fuck no 

What starsign are you? Are you similar to the typecast of that starsign?: who cares 

Are you usually happy or upset about something?: mildly annoyed usually 

Do you feel you're hard to get to know?: yeah that's why i'm doing this thing 

Do you prefer cats or dogs?: dogs 

Are you messy or a clean freak?: i like things to be clean generally but my desk is a nightmare 

Organized or disorganized?: 50/50 

Negative or positive?: leaning towards negative but also that's just seasonal depression 

Do you procrastinate a lot?: yeppp 

How often do you ditch friends in favour to do something else?: hardly ever unless i have to 

Do you prefer staying at home or going out and about?: going out to abandoned buildings & stuff 

Whatever you choose to do, would you rather do it with friends or family?: friends 

What about a lot of friends or just a few?: a few close friends 

Are you more of a music or movie person? Or something else?: music, but i spend a lot of time watching movies 

What type of books do you read?: non fiction mostly

What type of magazines do you read?: just aperture and tape op

Your Future : 

What would be your ideal job when you're older?: i dunno something within the arts 

Do you think it's easily attainable or do you feel you'll never get there?: attainable, maybe not sustainable 

If you couldn't do that job, what would you do instead?: nothing. if i'm not doing something art related i'll become willingly homeless 

What would you never want to do as a career?: anything in a cubicle 

Do you want to get married?: no 

Have you already planned out your dream wedding? What's it like?: no 

Do you want to have kids? How many?: no 

Where do you want to live?: scotland in the mountains 

What does your dream house look like?: small and isolated 

What kind of vehicle would you like? Any particular colour?: tesla cybertruck (ha ha ugly) 

What is your dream 'significant other' like?: similar taste in music

What is your dream best friend like?: my buddy alex 

More Personality Questions I'm Just Adding In xP : 

Do you prefer educational or trash TV?: educational i guess 

What is your favourite TV show?: ed edd n eddy 

Are there certain types of people you avoid?: just preps 

Are you an awkward person?: not really, i just choose to keep to myself mainly 

Are you shy or confident?: mix of both 

Your Appearance : 

What does your hair look like?: brown kinda wavy to my chin 

What is your favourite physical feature?: my eyes 

What type of clothes do you wear usually?: baggy shirt, black cargo pants, zip up hoodie. kinda boring. 

Do you wear heels or trainers more?: sneakers 

Do you prefer long or short hair? (On yourself): i like medium shaggy length 

Are you usually very well groomed or a bit scruffy?: i shave everyday 

How often do you wear make up?: never (update cause i just remembered - for my 7th grade picture day my mom put make up on a zit.)

How do you get yourself ready in the morning?: shower, brush teeth, stare at a wall for 30 mins 

Are you a bit obsessed with how you look?: eh not really, i avoid overthinking my appearance cause what's the point

When choosing friends, is appearance something you look for?: no 

Is this different when choosing potential people to date?: a little but i think most people would agree 

Your Personality : 

Do you have a short temper?: sometimes 

How often do you have 'bad days'?: i don't believe in 'em. bad moments yes but bad days no 

Do you care too much or too little?: too little 

Do you laugh and smile a lot?: with friends, more often 

When in a bad mood, do you fake it and act happy?: no

What annoys you more: 

People who are always cheery or...

... People who are always upset?: people who are always cheery

now you know some things very cool.

11 Kudos


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Hazel's profile picture

agreed, crab rangoon is fuckin delicious. love it with some shrimp fried rice

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hell yeah fried rice is the best

by BecuzCody; ; Report


iason's profile picture


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olive green goated, s tier color

by BecuzCody; ; Report

i use it so much, as you may have noticed, that a certain individual or two has referred to it as "greek green"

very goated indeed

by iason; ; Report