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Category: Quiz/Survey

Get to know me :)

What are your hobbies? I like playing video games like Minecraft, The Sims (2,3,4), Stardew Valley, Frog Detective, Planet Zoo and many more! One day I'd like to be able to play some horror games but I'm too scared rn to play them T_T (Even mining in Minecraft scares me XD ) I listen to a lot of music!! Anytime I have I'll have my headphones on and I'll be pacing in my room listening to some music while creating some scenarios in my head or thinking about some project I would like to do. I also love surfing the web and checking out things that I enjoy like sea creatures, alternative fashions, toys, etc etc. When I can I like to go by the riverside with my boyfriend to collect little treasures <3

Do you collect anything? YES!! I've been collecting keychains for a couple of years now, right now I have a lanyard with over 20 keychains and one (1) single key; my house key x)) I could probably kill someone if I were to swing it around haha. I also collect plushies and figurines/blind boxes (I have a mini army of among us figurines :D ) Recently I've started to collect lost groceries lists since i work in retail and I plan on making a sort of scrapbooking with them :)  

What are you passionate about? Mhm, I'm passionate about a lot of things but at the same time not really. I'm going to say marine life, art in all its forms and alternative fashions :)

What is your most prized possession? I don't have a most prized possession sorry, atleast not that i can think of?

What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? Uh none, I'm a failure :D

What is on your bucket list? I don't really have a bucket list, but I'd love to visit the most aquariums possible :)

What is your favorite recent memory? Last year when I when to a cabin with some friends and met my loving and beautiful boyfriend <333

What is your best childhood memory? I can't think of one (1) right now ^_^'

What is your favorite holiday? HALLOWEEN WOOPIIIIE!!!

Who knows you best? My boyfriend <333

What family member are you closest to? Ma maman <3

What skill would you most like to learn? I'd like to learn how to do color gradient with paint cuz ya girl took 3 years of art in high school and still can't do some fricking gradient bruh.

Where is the coolest place you traveled? Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean in Québec, Canada! This is where dad's mom is from and it's weird how even tho I literally live in this province, it felt so much different from my region for some reason. Different but familiar at the same time. I'd like to go back soon :)

What does your average weekend look like? Three options. 1: I'm rotting in my bed while being on my phone. 2: I'm out with my boyfriend or 3: I'm working :(  (By weekend they mean Saturday and Sunday right?)

Tell me about your longest running friendship with someone? I've know my best friends since kindergartener! We spent our entire school years together in the same schools and I love them very much :) We haven't really seen each others since COVID-19 so I miss them a little :') We also don't really talk often but that never stopped me from seeing them as my best friends <3

What is your earliest memory? Me at our old appartement when i was little, i was in the living room and I put a single grape in my diaper, don't ask me why XD Honestly I'm not even sure if it's really a memory or if i dreamed it x)

What makes you unique? I have a scar on my right cheek from when my mom add a C-Section for me. Basically my mom had been pushing for a while and wasn't coming out, so they decided to do the C-Section but because of the way I was placed in her womb, I was really close the skin so when they cut her open they cut my cheek a little bit :)

Who is your hero? I know I said my boyfriend in my interest but honestly I don't really have one ^_^'

Who is the smartest person you ever met? Me *fckboi face*

What is one thing that instantly makes your day better? Getting into my bed <3

When did you first feel like an adult? TBH I was the graduating cohort when COVID-19 hit so never really finishing school and never really having this closure from childhood means that I still don't really feel like an adult. Like yeah I know I'm 20 but idk, I still feel like I'm 16/17 you know? 

Whose opinion do you care most about? My dad, even tho I shouldn't. 

What is the most important decision you have ever made so far? Dropping out of CÉGEP (which is like our version of college here in Québec because idk we're special).

Aside from necessities, what is one thing could you not go a day without? My lip balm. I'm like addicted to it.

What do you enjoy spending money on? The things that I'm passionate about :) And my boyfriend #Sugarmommy.

What is something that always makes you smile? My boyfriend <333

What are you most thankful for? For the people around me, always so supportive of me <3

What are you most looking forward to? Beating this fricking depression and be able to live my life like I want and not be a slave to it.

What do you wish more people understand about you? That I'm sick for frick sake, and because of that I'm not always able to be/to do what they expect me. I'm trying my best but it's hard, really hard.

What is the greatest challenge or struggle you have ever faced? Again, beating this depression. I've been (mostly) able to beat my social anxiety, but it's more complicated for my depression :/

What is the biggest risk you ever took? I try to avoid risks so none x)

If you're reading this, thanks for reading the entirety of this blog! Feel free to copy the questions and answer them, I'd love to learn more about you guys :)

Maïka xxx

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