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Category: News and Politics

Oceangate expedition Titan Submarine

The only thing that went to the bottom of the ocean last week was your fucking brains.

There was no submarine, the owner is a retired president of the BOHEMIAN GROVE. The owner is also directly related to 2 of the founding fathers, both signed the Declaration of Independence. All of this was done at th peak of the summer solstice, June 21st. No one died it was an act to dran in our collective consciousness, then harness that energy that we were sendingtowards them, to turn the gears in this world the way they want. They utilize powerful black magic. 9/11 was the most prominent ritual we have seen happen in our lifetimes yet, and most of the time while they're doing this, they use the time we're distracted to implement laws,codes and shit we would usually riot over. Still, it goes unnoticed because everyone is fixiated on exactly what they want you to be fixiated on, most people's desicions arent even their own.Your thoughts arent even your own we have to take back the control of our minds and emotions, they can be easily ran by the fear of mongering media, the true 4th branch of the american government.

4 Kudos


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