Clara 's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey


1. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy______.

- Yes, yes you Can buy happiness... imagination is everything.

2. The most important room in any house is the______.

They are all functionally vital, but I'll choose the kitchen!

3. The social media site I use the most is______.

- sorry Spacehey, it's still FB. 

4. If I had the money, I would______.

- buy a mansion with the pool, tennis courts, landscaped gardens/fountains, night club. Additional luxury apartments built for guests to stay over. An Observatory. I'm sure there's more!

5. I am ______ with the current American president.

- Indifferent

6. I wish people would stop______.

- judging others based on superficial appearances and instead focus on their character and inner qualities.

7. ______ is the worst genre of music.

- Country music and Opera, yet there are fragments of it I can tolerate.

Tammy Wynette, Dolly Parton and Shania Twain's music is bearable.

No, I've changed my mind - Jazz - all that trumpeting racket grates on my nerves !

8. Why the heck is ______ so famous?

- Paris Hilton

9. I ______ my physical appearance.

- am OK with it. 

10. I wish I was more______.

-  extroverted.

11. I wish I was less______.

- Cynical/cautious

12. If I had to wear one outfit for the rest of my life, I would wear______.

- a Shell suit :D  nooooo! probably a trackie outfit for comfort

13. ______ is my favorite holiday.

- definitely Christmas - when I've got all the stress/preparations out of the way...

14. Most people don’t know that I enjoy______.

- learning about Astral projection and other dimensions

15. ______ is the best TV show of all-time.

- Return to Eden (old aussie soap) then it was Dallas, then Dynasty

16. ______ is the hottest celebrity.

Keanu Reeves. He seems so humble/grounded, and sweet.

We share the same birthday as well!  (2nd September)

17. Why do people keep saying______?

- get over it ?

18. I really wish I didn’t like______.

- the flavour of roast Lamb :(  so guilty about that.

19. ______ is my go-to beverage.

- Water is the main one. But do love that first cup of tea!

20. In ten years I will______.

- probably be in my Coffin :D

but if not, who knows what the future holds...

do I want to know ? yes and no - hindsight is a Wonderful thing.

1 Kudos


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