1. What are you listening to right now, if anything?
Keep Me In Mind by Little Joy
2. What’s the last song you listened to completely?
Curl up & Die by Matt Maltese
3. What is your favorite song?
House of Leaves by Circa Survive
4. Are there any songs that can or have made you cry?
Vacant in the 21st Century by Matt Maltese
5. Do you have a shower playlist?
Its a classical playlist
6. What about a bedtime playlist?
You know it
7. Have any guilty pleasure bands or songs?
Miley Cyrus tbh
8. What’s one song or band you used to like but now dislike?
Panic! At the Disco
9. What’s one song or band you used to dislike but now like?
I really grew to love Chicano Batman
10. Do you sing along when you listen to music you like?
Hell yeah all the time!
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