Larissa's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

30 Random Questions

1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now? Sure!

2. Do you drink enough water? Too much :/ I have low sodium due to the amount I drink.

3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King? Around a year ago, I think?

4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Mountains; I'm not fond of hot weather.

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning? Quite upbeat, unless I'm tired.

6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date? Can it be a mutual thing?

7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes? Uhh.. probably six years or more.

8. Vodka or wine? Wine, although I've never had vodka, so I'm not 100% sure.

9. How often do you cry? Once a week or so.

10. Ever had a crush on a teacher?  Not that I recall.

11. Can you wire a plug? No.

12. Do you wear socks to bed? Not usually.

13. What is currently bugging you? My dry eyes.. I've been on my computer all day.

14. Where were you when you got your first period? My grandparents' house.

15. Can you change a car tire? No.

16. Have you met more than ten celebrities? No, I've only met one (George Lowe).

17. Do you sleep naked? No.

18. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended? I've never been to one :(

19. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow? No.

20. Do you think Benedict Cumberbatch is hot? Mildly attractive? Sure, but not hot.

21. Favourite Disney princess? Merida, I guess. I'm not really a Disney fan.

22. Favourite city? I liked Cleveland, OH, but I haven't traveled much.

23. Can you drive? Yes.

24. Cigarettes or alcohol? Neither.

25. Excercise or healthy eating? Exercise. I actually really enjoy hiking and walking.

26. Favourite and least favourite accents? My favorite is German (I love German culture in genreal), and my least favorite is the southern accent from my home town. It's sort of like a stereotypical Texan, but with less enunciation.

27. What are you looking forward to? Seeing my friends after the pandemic ends.

28. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child? I don't think so.

29. Are you more attracted to men or women? Women are more attractive in a conventional sense, but I usually prefer men? It doesn't make much sense lol.

30. Do you like 1980s fashion? YES!


I found this survey on Tumblr, and since I love doing these, I thought I would post it here!

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