Canadian forest fire thoughts.

Since the events of the fire, I seen Instagram stories of folks mistakenly called the red sun the moon and they need to do tarot. 

Satirical posts of the sky looking like Mexican setting screen filter, mad max, blade runner, Dune. 

The last Canadian forest fire of similar lesser magnitude was 30 years ago. They occur around 100-250 years. This fire in particular has started way much earlier then anticipated, 

There was public surveillance footage of the New York skyline that went from a clear day to yellow to red orange in a matter of hours, New York having the worst air quality in all of global recorded history as of a concerning just yet. 

I heard stories of workplaces to not leave the office and to stay home because they have "best air quality"

The air was so bad that the smoke leaked through my Air condition unit. It smelled like a bonfire outside, amongst the hazy yellow veil, there was still people working outside, no one shut down schools or work places, no one wore n95 masks. Some schools shut down some didn't.

it is a pressing concern how we collectively are so passive and apathetic with the climate change situation, just look at pandemic of how skeptical and how under prepared we were.

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