mIKEY }:D's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

About m3!1!

basics (dunno who made the quiz)

name:: Mikey or Ekwulg
how old?:: 13
my birthday:: September 8th
where am I from:: Born in Azerbaijan
where am I living now:: Azerbaijan
what year am I in in school:: year 9, going into year 10


hair color:: Brown, gonna dye it soon :D 
eye color:: brown
face shape:: uhh like diamond or smth
body type:: a bit chubby
piercings:: just ears
tattoos:: none yet 
style:: emo!!


color:: Black and red
animal:: Sharks n bats!!
actor:: Jannis Niewöhner
actress:: Anne Hathaway
artist:: Gerard Way
band:: My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy
song:: Changes every 5 secs, rn its a song to stifle imperial progression by The Used
lyric:: "Oh how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying"
quote:: “emo is over you can all go home now" - Pete Wentz
food:: Ramen or alfredo
meal:: huh
soft drink:: coke zero
chocolate:: milk sugar free chocolate
candy:: ice cream isnt a candy but idfc
place:: cemeteries
childhood memory:: not childhood, but eating mcdonalds with a friend in her moms car, in the middle of the night during winter
recent memory:: nastyushenka (usbehd)
ice cream flavor:: pistachio
TV show:: Steven Universe
Movie:: Life on the murder scene mcr video diary
Book:: any batman comic tbh
girls name:: Natyusha
boys name:: Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III
youtuber:: DAN AND PHIL
website:: spacehey 
celebrity:: let's say Pete Wentz
word:: cyanide
sport to play:: swimming
sport to watch:: ice skating
piecing:: bridge 
tattoo:: idk honestly something emo asf
music genre:: pop punk or screamo!! 


single/taken:: single

got a crush:: nope (only celebrity crushes lolz)
name:: Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III
age:: 43
how long have I like them:: like a year now 
how close are you guys:: he doesnt know i exist!!
Favorite thing about them:: Pete Wentz


sexuality:: Homosexual, but omniromantic + demiromantic 
a secret:: I adapt to people's personalities
a strange fact:: pigs' org4zm lasts 30 minutes
any addictions:: MCR

Have you ever

been in love:: yes
been kissed:: yes 
been on a date:: no
rejected someone:: yes
been rejected:: yes
Failed a class:: sorta
Failed a year:: no
Been suspended:: no
Been expelled:: no
snuck out:: no
got stage fright:: sorta
been to a concert:: I WISH
Met someone famous:: no
been to a fair:: yes
been to a carnival:: no
been to a circus:: yes
been on a ship::yes
been on a train:: yes 
driven a car:: nope
crashed a car:: no
Been in an accident:: no
Had a near death experience:: yep
been to a festival:: no
had an obsession:: yep!!
baked a cake:: no
Been happy:: yes
Been depressed:: yes
Had a serious illness:: not really, i mean if covid counts??
Painted:: yeah
sold something:: yes
run a marathon:: nope
helped a charity:: yes
bought someone flowers:: no 
been bought flowers:: no
cried in front of someone:: yep
Danced in front of someone:: yeah ig
performed on stage:: ye


separated parents?:: for a certain period of time
siblings?:: one
how old:: 18
do you get along:: absolutely the fuck not
are you adopted:: no
do you wish you were adopted:: idk
do you like your home:: no
do you want to leave:: yes
to where:: somewhere where i feel safer

 Buying things

favorite clothing shop:: some random ass smelly shop in in my city owned by a very nice grandma who likes black metal
do you wear makeup:: yes
how much:: not much, just concealer, powder and eyeliner or eyeshadow
makeup shop:: all different really
favorite fast food place:: idk honeslty


did u like this quiz?:: ig yeah
quiz rating:: 6/10
are you having a good day:: idk

2 Kudos


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Lux ♱

Lux ♱'s profile picture

i should have not seen the "fun" fact... ToT

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usbehd's profile picture

excellent, glad im there
why didnt you mention the lady gaga concert

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M3hhh, it w4sn't r3ally a c0ncert, just sum 0lymp1c g4m3z sh1t and sh3 w4z th3r3 4nd sh3 s4ng th4ts 1t

by mIKEY }:D; ; Report