Starz's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

Found thiz n did it

A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y

1. Do you like anyone?: Yeah

2. Do they know it?: Dear god I hope not

3. Simple or complicated?: complicated

IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U

4. Had sex: no

5. Bought something: yeah, I got candy for the movie I just saw

6. Gotten sick?: yep

7. Been hugged?: nah

8. Felt stupid?: you bet 

9. Talked to an ex: no

10. Missed someone: yezyezyez

11. Failed a test: yeah 

13. Danced: of course!

14. Gotten your hair cut?: no, I wish

15. Lied: yep


16. Nervous habits?: 

17. Are you double jointed?: Mabye?

18. Can you roll your tongue?: yep!

19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: nah

20. Can you cross your eyes?: nah

21. Do you make your bed daily?: a couple timez a month

22. Do you think you are unique?: eh

H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S

23. Said "I Love you": yep

24. Given money to a homeless person: yeah

25. Smoked?: no and I hopefully never will (do what you want I just don’t wanna)

26. Waited all night for a phone call?: yeah

27. Snuck out?: surprisingly yeah

28. Sat and looked at the stars?: Yez and it’z amazing 


29. Do you swear/curse?: yeah 

30. Do you ever spit?: bleh

31. You cook your own food?: yep but I also like restaurantz

32. You do your own chores?: yeah

33. You like beef jerky?: bleh

35. You're happy with your life?: 

36. You own a dog?: YEZ HER NAME IZ SUGAR!!

37. You spend your money wisely?: hahahah no

38. Do you like to swim?: No

39. When you get bored do you call a friend: rather text but only sometimez

D O - Y O U - P R E F E R'S

41. Flowers or angels?: Flowerz

42. Gray or black?: Black

43. Color or black and white photos?: Colorz!

44. Lust or love?: Love!

45. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset

46. M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Mz, Skittlez doesn’t even taste like rainbow!

48. Staying up late or waking up early?: Staying up late

49. Being hot or cold?: I am alwayz cold so I am fine w bein cold

50. Winter or Fall?: fall!

51. Left or right?: I am right handed! I wish I waz ambidextrouz though :(

52. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: 2 best friendz but those 2 best friendz alwayz want 10 people around so yeahh

53. Sunshine or rain?: rain

more have you evers;;

Sleep in a bed of the opposite sex?: uhm, I guess?

Hooked up in the woods?: no

Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself?: no 

Hooked up in the shower?: no

Been Dumped?: no

Stolen money from a friend?: no and I promise I never will

Slept naked?: no gross no

Been in a fist fight?:  no

Snuck out of your house?: Yez like I said earlier 

Had a crush on a teacher?: never

Seen someone die?: no thank god

Been on an airplane?: never

Slept all day?: yeah

Missed someone so much it hurt?: definitely 

Fallen asleep during school?: yeah but only a couple timez

Been lonely?: dude yez 

Cheated in a game?: yeah

Been to the ER?: 5 timez/srs but I’m good

Been in a car accident?: think your dad being a mechanic would make him a good driver? Hahahahha no, absolutely not 

Had detention?: Only once that I can remember !

Missed your first love?: no

Cried yourself to sleep?: Ya

Sung in the shower?: Yez 

Kissed a complete stranger?: ew no

Laughed so hard you cried?: mhm

Cheated on a bf/gf?: no 

Regretted hurting someone?: ofc

Regretted loving someone?: yez and you know who you are

Been SUPER happy?: Mhm !

0 Kudos


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