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Category: News and Politics

That bitch who killed Emmet Till...

It was reported that white trash Carolyn Bryant passed away at 88 years old due to Cancer. I could never say anything bad about people who battle cancer, but to this particular creature, because let's face it, she was not a human capable of being part of society, I said I hope cancer ate you slowly and painfully.

I have VERY little to no sympathy for people who not only take part in the murder and brutality that has been done to a child, but they also lie about it and years later, confess it to be not true. A child was tortured and murdered. A fucking child. There's no forgiveness to anyone and that includes the trash-ass people of the Mississipi government, who I hope they get the karma they deserve. 

That bitch got to live 60 more years in peace. There was no justice done for Emmett Till. I am not religious, but boy do I fucking hope you are in hell while the devil feasts on your soul.

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